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*About a week or so later?*

Y/n stared out her window up into the sky, waiting for a single drop of rain. The last couple weeks had been ridiculously dry and all she wanted was to stand in the rain for a bit. The clouds rolling in were grey and angry looking, but none of them were rain clouds yet. "C'mon, gimme something..." She glanced down and made eye contact with Tommy through the window. He had a confused look on his face as he cocked his head. A second later Y/n received a text from him.

Tommy- What were you doing?

Y/n- Trying to will the sky to cry


Y/n- I love dancing in the rain, and past couple weeks have been awfully dry

Y/n watched the typing bubble appear then disappear. She looked up to see Tommy gone. She strained her eyes trying to see the least bit of movement in his room. She felt her phone buzz again.

Tommy- Come to my backyard

Y/n- Ok....?

Y/n stared quizzically at the direction, but she followed it none the less. Making her way downstairs she tried to think of what the hell he was doing. She slipped shoes on and texted her parents she was heading next door. Y/n skipped the front door and walked to the identical gate adjacent from her own backyard. She unlatched the gate and opened it slowly. She gasped at what she saw. Tommy was perched on the roof, setting his hose up on a hook. "Tommy, what the fuck are you doing?" She asked as she closed the gate behind her. Tommy looked over and smiled. "Giving you rain." Y/n watched as Tommy turned his hose on, watching the shower setting create a makeshift downpour on the grass.

"Why?" Y/n asked as she smiled and walked over to the boy, who was carefully climbing down from the roof. "Cause you looked awfully sad about not having rain." Y/n smiled and went to say something, but was cut off by a boom. She looked up as another one sounded. Her small smile turned into a grin. "Thunder...." She looked back at Tommy and laughed. "Thunder!" Y/n gasped as she felt a drop land on her face. "Quick turn the hose off!" She called. Tommy sighed and clambered back up the house, fetching the hose and shutting it off.

Tommy watched as Y/n became happier by the minute, the rain that had started became heavier by the second. "Y/n you're getting drenched." Tommy said with a concerned look on his face. Y/n was spinning and came to a halt, facing him, her smile still wide. "That's the point!" She tilted her face upward so the cool water could hit her. Tommy reluctantly stepped out into the downpour, feeling his clothes get soaked almost immediately. He looked up and frowned at the grey sky.

He felt a yank and looked down to see Y/n in front of him. "Wha-" She giggled and yanked him further out into the grass. "Dance with me!" He smiled at her enthusiasm and agreed. He pulled her towards him, gripping her side loosely with one hand, her hand in the other. They began dancing, Tommy spinning her around every couple seconds. The thunder urged them on, booming every couple seconds to make a sloppy beat. They laughed as they moved in circles, water dripping down their faces.

Eventually, Mrs. Simons yelled at them to come inside, or they'd catch colds. Both teens were laughing as they stepped into the dry house. Water dripping off of them and into a puddle on the ground at their feet. Tommy ran to the closest bathroom and came back with two towels, handing one to Y/n. They made their way upstairs to Tommy's bedroom. He rifled through his drawers and pulled out clothes. He threw a shirt and boxers at Y/n, her narrowly catching it. "I'm not taking your clothes Tommy. I can just go back home." He scoffed, as shooed her to the bathroom to get changed. "Give your wet garments to my mum when your done and she'll put 'em through the dryer."

Tommy went back to his room and quickly got changed into sweat pants and a loose t-shirt. He tugged the hem of his shirt down after pulling it on, when Y/n walked back in. He stared at her for a little too long. "T-that uhhhh. Looks very n-nice on you." He managed to say as she walked over and sat on his bed. She sighed and flopped onto his bed, her slender legs visible due to the lack of pants. She sat up and hung her legs over the side, Tommy soon sitting next to her.

Tommy slid his hand to her thigh, making her look at him with wide eyes. "God I want to kiss you..." He said, his voice soft yet raspy. Y/n leaned forward her eyes fluttering. "Then do it..." She retorted, inching closer and closer until.....

Tommy shook his head as he stopped the day dream form continuing. 'What. The. Fuck. Too far..... or was it...?' He thought as he clearly imagined the scenario. He was pushed out of his thoughts as a weight was leaned into his side. Y/n had fallen asleep, and she'd chosen him as his pillow. Tommy was surprised but let her sleep for a minute. He didn't want to move, but he didn't want to sit up anymore. He slowly adjusted his position until Y/n's head was on his chest. he then lowered himself to lay down Y/n still sound asleep.

Tommy maneuvered himself until Y/n was by herself on the bed and he was standing. "Victory." He said to himself as he left his room and headed downstairs. He found his mom watching a random cooking show in the living room. "Where's Y/n?" she asked as he walked in alone. Tommy yawned, "Asleep, she was out like a light." His mom nodded and returned her attention to the screen. "Should i call her mum?" He asked aloud, as he opened the fridge, pulling out a coke. He heard a small, "Mmhmm." from his mum, so Tommy headed back upstairs and picked up his phone. he located Y/n's moms number, which had been given for emergencies technically.

He clicked the call button and heard it ring a couple times before she picked up. "Hello?" Tommy smiled as he saw Y/n sleeping peacefully. "Hi Mrs. Y/L/N, this is Tommy from next door. I just wanted to let you know that Y/n has fell asleep and I don't think she's going to wake up any time soon." He heard whispering from the other end. And then a high pitched squeal, "Thanks for letting us know, she's fine to stay however long she likes. Just as long as she's home on school nights." Tommy sighed, kind of relieved. "Alright well, bye Mrs. Y/L/N." She said goodbye and you both hung up. Tommy looked back at Y/n to see her nuzzled into his pillow. He screamed internally and felt his face flush red.

Tommy turned off his light and walked over to his bed. He slowly crawled back in, draping an arm protectively over Y/n. "God I'm already so in love with you....." He muttered as he fell asleep snuggled into Y/n.

I SPEEDRAN THIS CHAPTER. LIKE NO JOKE I WROTE IT IN LIKE 10 MINUTES. JSHDKJWNDJK I JUST WANNA KEEP WRITING AHHHHH. it is like 1:30 am tho and i have final exams tomorrow. Maybe one more won't hurt? CKLNLENEn thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed and stay tuned for more!


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