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Y/n awoke in Tommy's bed to find herself alone in the blankets. She rubbed her eyes as she sat up and proceeded to look around. The door was half open and she could hear Tommy and his parents chatting downstairs. She stood up and walked over to close the door, hoping to get dressed before she walked back to her own house to see her parents. After spending almost a whole week away from them, she was craving her mother's hugs. After slipping on clothes, Y/n left Tommy's room and made her way down to the living area.

"Well someone finally got up." Tommy commented jokingly. Y/n stuck her tongue out as she sat next to him. "It's not that late is it?" she asked. Sarah chuckled and placed a plate of pancakes in front of her. "It's nearly one dear. So it is a bit late." Y/n groaned but began eating. "Wish you guys would've woken me up. I wanted to unpack my stuff and get it all washed today." Tommy rubbed the small of her back in comforting circles. "Don't worry love, you have time."

Tommy's mom smiled at the two teens and left the room, her husband following suit. "Those two really are perfect for each other..." she quietly said to him as she entered their room and closed the door behind her husband. "They really are." he said, chuckling a bit.

Back in the kitchen, Y/n ate quietly as Tommy rubbed her back. Scrolling through his phone while he waited for her to finish. "Love?" Y/n called to get his attention. He looked up and tilted his head in question. "What is it?" He asked, his attention 100% on her. She smiled and blushed slightly at the devotion clear in his face. "Ready to meet my parents officially as my boyfriend?" she questioned before standing to put her dishes in the sink.

"I've been ready for years Y/n." Tommy stated. Coming to stand behind her and wrapping his arms around her waist, nuzzling his head into the crook of her neck. She giggled at the show of affection and brought a hand up to card it through his hair. "Years huh?" She asked in a teasing tone.

Tommy turned to the side and gave her neck a gentle kiss. "I don't think you realize how much I paid attention to you while we weren't talking." He sighed contentedly and gave her a soft squeeze. "You've been my center of affection for years." She hummed and stepped out of his arms. Turning around with a dopy smile, "Well then lets go lover boy." she said.

Tommy returned the smile and they made their way to the door. Both of them slipping on shoes before walking the 30 seconds over to Y/n's door. He didn't feel nervous. Never has when he daydreamed about this scenario. Y/n's parents always adored him, and he heard some of his mum's conversations with his girlfriend's own mother. And they were pretty certain this would happen anyway, so he already know how this interaction would go.

Y/n opened her front door and walked in, "Mom! Dad! I'm home!" There was a loud squeal and her mother sped around the corner from the kitchen. "My baby is back! How was America? Did you have fun? Of course you had fun you traveled! Hi Tommy by the way. Oh theres so much I want to know! Come sit, I just made breakfast." Y/n laughed at her mom's enthusiasm and gave her a hard hug. "No thanks mom we just ate. But I'd rather wait for dad until I start telling about the trip."

Her mom looked disappointed but just led them into the kitchen to chat. "Where is dad anyway?" Y/n asked as she sat on a bar stool. Her mom went back to washing dishes, "He's at the store, should be back any minute. He was only grabbing more sodas." Y/n hummed in acknowledgment and felt Tommy slide behind her to rest his head on hers.

"I did ask him to hurry because we knew youd be back this morning and- oh!" Y/n's eyes snapped up at the exclamation but found her mom just staring at her and Tommy. "When?" she asked in an insistent tone. Tommy chuckled and left his place to sit down. "Mum won." Y/n looked between them with a very confused look. "Won what? Tommy what are you talking about?"

The only answer she got was a grumble and a huff from her mother. "I owe her quite a bit of money..." She snarked to herself as she turned back to the sink. Y/n smacked Tommy's arm and gave him a look. "Explanation. Now." Tommy laughed again and turned to face her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2023 ⏰

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