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The morning was calm as Y/n woke up, the warmth of Tommy's body soothing her. She lay still, relishing in the feeling of his arms around her. She was content. She knew that she could always count on Tommy to be there for her, to love her. Y/n breathed deeply, Tommy's cologne filling her nose. The smell comforting her and almost lulling her back to sleep.

Tommy stirred, stopping Y/n from falling back asleep. His hands that were previously loose around her, tightened, signaling Y/n that he was awake. "Morning sleepyhead......" She whispered, her eyes still closed, and her face pressed into his chest. Tommy hummed, his voice gravelly and crackly. "Goodmorning......" He whispered back, running a hand up and down her back. She sighed and finally opened her eyes, looking up to Tommy's face. His eyes were cracked open, looking down at her. She stared in amazement at how blue his eyes are, a smile forming on her lips.

Tommy grinned and brushed a strand of hair away from Y/n's face. "There you are, gorgeous.." He said before kissing her forehead. Y/n blushed as he smiled lovingly down at her. "Oh stop it..." She said, burying her face back into his chest. He chuckled, caressing her cheek. "What's the time..?" She asked as she pulled her face away. Tommy picked up his phone from the nightstand and opened it up. "Just after 7:30. Roller rink and beach today.." He said leaning into the pillow.

Y/n wiggled out of Tommy's arms, despite his protests. "I need to get dressed!" She said as she grabbed clothes from her bag. Tommy huffed as he watched her from the bed. "I know that, but I want cuddles." Y/n rolled her eyes. She walked over and kissed his cheek before going to the bathroom to change.

Wilbur and Niki got up soon after them, grabbing things they'd need for the day. Tommy and Y/n sat on their bed, waiting for them to finish getting ready. "God can you guys be any slower?" Tommy complained, flopping backwards onto the bed. Y/n giggled as Wilbur gave him a look. "Sorry we want to be prepared for today Mr Innit." Wilbur shook his head as he finished grabbing things. Niki stepped out of the bathroom where she'd been doing her makeup. "Be patient Tom, we're gonna leave soon." She said, gathering her purse.

Tommy groaned and pulled out his phone to keep himself occupied. Y/n stood and went to see how the others were. She stepped out into the hall, walking a couple steps to the other room. She knocked three times in quick succession. "It's unlocked!" George called from inside. Y/n opened the door and stepped in, taking in the messy state of the floor. "Jeez... We've been here one day and you've made the hotel room as messy as a trashcan." Y/n said as she picked up a shirt laying on the floor. George sighed from the bed where he sat. "That's all Clay and Nick. I've kept my things neat." He said pointing to his suitcase laid on the floor. It was open but all his clothes were folded nicely inside, not an article astray. "At least one of you is tidy..." She said underneath her breath.

She walked over and sat next to George. "Where are the other two clowns?" She asked. George smiled and pointed to the bathroom door. "They are, as they put it, 'Beautifying themselves for the public.' However nothing could make them attractive." He said shaking his head. Y/n covered her mouth with her hands as to keep from laughing. "George! That's mean!" She said, hitting him lightly on the arm. George chuckled, "You know I'm just joking.... Anyway, how's you and loverboy?" Y/n pretended to be confused and gave him a puzzled look. "Who?" She said, cocking her head quizzically.

George gave her a deadpan stare. "Tommy you idiot. We all know you like each other. With the way you guys cuddle in the car, stare into each others eyes... We see these things Y/n. It's not exactly a secret." Y/n blushed as he explained. She looked to her lap and fiddled with her fingers. "Um. We uh..... I didn't want to tell anyone yet but it seems it's necessary." George stared at her expectantly. "We got together last night....." She peeked at him, a shy smiled on her face. George's eyes blew wide.

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