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The morning they left Nick's house to start the road trip was hectic. Everyone was making sure they didn't leave anything, and making sure everything was charged and ready to go. They were going to use Nick's parent's van that they let him borrow. It had enough seats and space so everyone could fit semi-comfortably. Wilbur and Niki however were actually calm, making sure everyone else was calm was a task they put upon themselves as they packed things into the vehicle.

Y/n was the last one to put her bag into the trunk and climbed in. Her and Tommy shoved to the back while Dream, George, and Wilbur shared the slightly bigger middle seat. With Nick driving and Niki in the passenger seat. Y/n popped in her ear buds as they got on the road, staring out at the pine trees that lined every road. She watched the leaves of the trees turn into a blur of green as they got onto the highway.

After about thirty minutes, Y/n felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned to Tommy and found him holding his arms out. She smiled and unbuckled her seat belt to move. Tommy was already unbuckled and carefully laid down, stretching his legs out as he did so. Y/n laid atop of Tommy, feeling his slow breathing as she laid there. With the side of her head pressed against his chest, she heard the beat of his heart. Which to her seemed a little too fast for a resting heart rate. She mentally shrugged it off as excitement for the trip as she fell asleep with Tommy's hands tangled in her hair.

Dream turned around to check on them and immediately snapped a picture. He nudged George in the side, pointing to the back. "They're practically a couple already. They just need to make it official." He whispered. George snickered and snapped his own picture, Tommy's arms curled tight around Y/n's midsection. Breathing softly as they slept. Wilbur was shaking his head and smiling, "I swear if they don't get together I'm going to smack both of them across the head." The three snickered before going back to minding their own business.

Tommy slowly blinked his eyes open to find the van stopped. "W-what..." He mumbled. He looked around to see they were at a gas station. Y/n had disappeared from her spot and he assumed she was in the gas station store. He stepped out and let the fading sunset light wash over his drowsy face. He stretched out and turned to go inside, but found everyone walking out. "Damn just woke up and you're all already done." He laughs, mainly to himself. Everyone hung out by the car, sipping on drinks and eating snacks. Y/n had grabbed Tommy a coke and gummy bears. He smiled gratefully and opened it with a crisp POP!

Y/n and Tommy had moved to the opposite end of the car, alone staring at the pinks and oranges of the receding sun. They both leaned against the window, listening to the quieter voices of their friends on the other side of the car. "Moments in which you say nothing, are often moments where you should say something..." Y/n said softly. Tommy turned to her confused, "What?" Y/n smiled as she closed her eyes, "Just a quote I saw once. Thought it was cool." Tommy smiled and shook his head, "You find the weirdest things woman. But that is a pretty cool line." Her eyes popped back open, the colors bursting as the sun glistened off of them. "Yeah it really is..." She whispered, seemingly glancing towards him. Hope and want evident in her gaze.

Tommy remained oblivious and continued to take in the last of the rays of light. "Tommy! Y/n! Back in the car, we gotta get to the hotel before ten!" They heard Nick yell. Y/n's smile faded as they walked back around to the door. "We're getting in, don't worry." She said as they climbed into the back. Tommy followed, stretching his legs across the seat as he sat. Y/n laid against him, back pressed into his torso. Tommy blushed profusely as she tilted her head up and smiled at him. "Don't look at me like that..." He muttered. Y/n grabbed his arms and wrapped them around herself, "Hmm? What was that?" She asked as she pulled a blanket over them. Tommy shook his head as she settled into him. "Nothing important."

Y/n smiled and shrugged, "Ok then, if you say so." She said as she pulled out her phone, scrolling through memes on Instagram. Tommy fiddled with a stray strand of Y/n's hair, he smiled as she leaned into his touch. She seemed content scrolling through her phone, Tommy's hand now sat resting gently on her cheek. He heard her sigh softly and yawn. Tommy smiled warmly as Y/n turned herself over, nuzzling into his chest as she got comfortable. She looked sleepily up at him, lips parted as she breathed softly.

Tommy watched her eyes flick back and forth between his eyes and his lips. He went to lean down, inching slowly towards her. Her eyes fluttered close as he neared, her breath was hot on his face. The van suddenly lurched and came to a halt. Jolting the two out of their position. "We're here everyone!" Nick said, rather loudly, to the car. The three in the front had been asleep on each other and took their sweet time getting out. But Tommy didn't mind, he just sat there holding onto Y/n as they both blushed a bright red, probably visible even in the darkness.

Y/n clung onto Tommy's arm sleepily as they carried bags into the hotel. It was nearing ten pm, and the sky was a dark navy, making the stars prominently brighter. They stepped into the warm hotel lobby, taking in the warm light and the comfy atmosphere. After checking in, Nick led them up to the rooms chosen to be right next to each other. Nick, Clay, and George got one room, while Wilbur, Niki, Tommy, and Y/n got the other. They settled in and most everyone went to sleep, except a certain two.

Tommy and Y/n laid in the bed they were sharing, silent as the night outside. Just staring at one another, not a word spoken. Y/n brought her hand to his face and lightly tapped his nose with her finger. "Boop...." She said quietly a smile blossoming on her face. Tommy grinned and reached out, grabbing her by the hips and pulling her closer to him. She giggled and brought her arms to rest around his neck. She stared up at him, a look in her eye that not even she could explain. "You are absolutely gorgeous..." She said, her voice barely above a whisper. Tommy raised a brow at her. "I am? How so.." Y/n brought up a hand and lightly pushed his hair away from his face. "The moonlight glowing on your face, the way your hair falls, the way you speak...... I could just stare at you, all night."

Tommy had the strongest urge to just kiss her, but he didn't know if she wanted that anymore. The moment in the car had come and gone, but this was a new moment right? Before he knew what he was doing, his hand came up and cupped her face. Slowly drawing her face near. He heard her breath catch, her eyes flicking to look at his lips. His lips hovered over hers, his breath a whisper on her lips. "Can I...?" He whispered, he looked lovingly into her eyes. Her eyes shone with yearning. She let out a small laugh, "If I didn't want you to I wouldn't be here still..." Tommy sighed and softly connected their lips. He felt Y/n melt into his touch, her body warm and flush with his.

They came together like a puzzle piece, each made to fit the other perfectly. Y/n sighed as she leaned back, happiness and sleep mixed on her face. She was on the verge of passing out and Tommy could tell. She pressed a kiss to his cheek and drifted off to sleep. Tommy knew she was too tired and probably wouldn't remember in the morning. But he held his hopes as he too allowed his mind to drift into a deep sleep.


FNWKJDNWKJ HOW'D YOU LIKE THE CHAPTER HAHAHAHAH. I wanted to hold out the first kiss for a little longer obviously as its only chapter 7, BUT I NEEDED IT. She's not going to remember the kiss, and for that matter neither is Tommy. Don't worry it will add to the plot later. Any how, hope you enjoyed this chapter! Thank you so much for reading, and stay tuned for more!


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