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The group had an early start the next morning. Racing around making sure they didn't leave anything in the rooms. Y/n had slept in a little later than everyone, being woken up by the bustle around her. "What the-?" She sat up in bed and looked at everyone looking around everywhere. "Oh! Morning Y/n!" Niki said as she zipped up her suitcase, "Tommy threatened to kill us if we woke you up. So we were obliged to let you sleep." Wilbur chuckled as Niki explained. He came over and patted Y/n's head. "It is time to get up and make sure you have everything. Although Tommy did pack most of your things already..."

Y/n glanced to the side of the bed where her suitcase was, and Wil was right. It sat zipped up, and things she'd taken out were gone from where she'd put them. "Huh. So he did. He knows what all I packed, so I'll be surprised if he missed anything." She threw the blankets off of herself and padded around the room, checking everywhere she remembered placing something. She finally checked the bathroom to see all of her things from in there were gone too. She walked back out and sat on the bed. "Yeah he got everything."

Y/n grabbed and unzipped her suitcase, pulling out sweatpants and a t-shirt to replace her shorts and tank top. She walked back into the bathroom and changed, she knew they'd probably be in the car most of the day, so she didn't wanna wear jeans or something. Y/n exited and found Niki and Wilbur gone. She went to put her pajamas in her suitcase, when Tommy walked back into the room. "Oh good Y/n, you're up. I was gonna do that but I guess Niki and Wil already did." Y/n smiled as she rezipped her bag. "I woke up on my own, but they were in the room. Thank you for packing up my stuff, you didn't have to do that." She said walking over and standing next to him.

Tommy shrugged and picked up her bag. He opened the door and walked out, "I wanted you to sleep." Y/n rolled her eyes as they walked towards the lobby. "I can always sleep in the car. You know that." They walked out of the hotel to find everyone packing up the trunk with everyone's bags, Tommy walked to the trunk while Y/n got in the backseat. She settled in with the blanket she'd left there, waiting for Tommy to get in.

Tommy finally climbed into the back, immediately laying down on the seats. He laid his head in Y/n's lap, staring up at her. Y/n looked down at him with a wide smile on her face. She studied his face, taking in every detail. Every shadow, every dip and curve, every freckle, and most of all every speck and shade of blue in his eyes. They seemed to glow in the early morning light. They just stayed there and stared at each other. Mesmerized by stillness of the moment. Y/n gently moved a strand of hair out of Tommy's face, causing his cheeks to go pink. He reached up and tucked her hair behind her ears so he could see all of her face. Her face was red as he gently touched her face, the two caught in their own bubble of intimacy.

Tommy let his thumb trace circles on her cheek, as she did the same. Tommy's breath hitched as she leaned down, nearing her face to his. He held his breath, too scared to breath as she was inches from him. Y/n smiled softly and kissed his forehead, hovering over him slightly as she leaned back. "Go to sleep Tommy. I know you're tired." She whispered, stroking his face. His stare was spaced out as he nodded slowly. He let his eyes flutter closed as Y/n started humming softly, lulling him to sleep.

Y/n continued to study Tommy's face as he slept. His eyelids twitching slightly as his eyes moved unconsciously. His mouth parted slightly, soft breaths leaving every couple seconds. His eyelashes kissed his skin, his cheeks flushed pink. Y/n couldn't stop, she wanted to wake him back up and kiss him. She wanted to leave kisses all over his face, and tell him how much she adored him. Tell him how much she loved him. Tell him how badly she wanted to hold him close. She wanted to be able to wake up in his bed, make breakfast with him every morning. She wanted him to pull her by the hips and kiss her senseless.

She felt her eyes tear up as she thought about all the things she wanted but couldn't have. They were just friends after all. She wiped her face and moved her attention to the adults in the front. They had turned the radio all the way up and were singing rather loudly. She must've been too lost in thought to notice. She pulled out her phone and took a video of them singing. Most of them off-key, but she saved it and smiled as they continued. She looked down and took a picture of Tommy. She went to take another, but he moved and turned onto his side.

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