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Tommy gently shook Y/n awake as the plane started to descend. "Y/n." he whispered, lightly shaking her again. Y/n slowly blinked until she fully woke up, turning to look at Tommy. "Hm? Yeah Toms?" She said groggily. She rubbed her eyes in an attempt to focus her vision completely.

"We're landing soon, figured you'd want to be awake." Tommy said, softly moving stray pieces of hair out of Y/n's face. She let Tommy fix her hair and smiled after he was done. "Thanks." she said, staring lovingly at the boy next to her. He grinned and rubbed her cheek affectionately with his thumb before giving her a quick kiss. "Gather your things so we can get home after we land." He said as he began picking up all of his belongings that were under his seat.


Tommy and Y/n walked through the London airport, heading towards the baggage claim to grab their suitcases. Which thankfully were some of the first to be unloaded off the plane. After making sure all their luggage was accounted for Tommy excused himself to the restroom.

As Y/n waited she scrolled through twitter for the first time since landing. She saw so many retweets of Tommy's post congratulating them and saying how cute they are together. Y/n smiled and replied to thank some of the sweet words. She continued scrolling and found a particularly upsetting reply from one of Tommy's fans.

--@ tommyinnitlover72

Ew, she's ugly and boring. Tommy you would be better dating me. Someone who actually loves you and isn't with you for the fame. 😒


Y/n grimaced at the tweet, she'd never really experienced hate from other creator's fans. It made her upset that some of his fans knew nothing about her but still insulted her just for being in a relationship with him. She scrolled past the tweet, hoping there weren't more like them in her feed. However her thoughts were interrupted by Tommy coming back over.

He looked at her with a concerned face. "Everything alright Y/n?" he asked. Y/n took a deep breath and looked up at him finally. "Not really. I know it shouldn't bother me but.... I came across a really nasty tweet about me from one of your fans. On your last tweet of us." She leaned forward and let her forehead rest on Tommy's chest. "Insulting me and saying how i'm only with you because you're famous.." she finished explaining. Tommy wrapped his arms around her and rubbed her back, "Well i'm not surprised honestly, I have fans that will deny any relationship I have just because they think I might notice them." He leaned down and kissed the top of her head. "They'll realize eventually that you're not leaving my life. That you're here to stay.." He said reassuringly, tilting her head up with his hand.

Y/n nodded and composed herself before stepping out of his embrace. "Let's go home Toms. I need a nap." she said while collecting her bags. Tommy followed and they began walking out of the airport, looking for Mrs. Simons car since she was there to pick them up.


The car ride to Tommy's house was quiet, the only sounds being the road noise and the radio playing softly. Tommy had told his mum that they were tired and will tell her about the trip after a nap. Thankfully she agreed and just hummed quietly along with the radio. She had hugged Y/n rather hard and said how happy she was that Tommy had someone who will be there to support him. Y/n had smiled and thanked her, saying how glad she was that Mrs. Simons approved of her as Tommy's girlfriend.

Mrs. Simons ushered them out of the car when they got home, "You two go rest and i'll put your bags inside. Theres fresh cookies on the counter if you're hungry and dinner will probably be ready by the time you wake up." she said softly as they walked away. She smiled at the back of their heads as they entered the house and closed the door. "I called it!" she quietly sang to herself as she unloaded the teens' things.

Tommy lead the way to his room, even if Y/n had been there a hundred times. He let go of her hand as he walked in and flopped face first onto his bed. "G'night love." he said, his voice muffled by his pillow. Y/n chuckled and walked over, poking his shoulder. "Scooch over bed hog, I wanna sleep too." Tommy groaned and turned onto his side, lifting up his arm so that she could lay down with him.

Y/n laid down and Tommy encircled his arm around her waist, pulling her slightly closer. He nuzzled his head into her neck and sighed contently. "Oh i missed this..." he said into her skin. Y/n laughed quietly. "Tommy it's been less than a day since we cuddled." He returned his head to the pillow, looking down at Y/n. "Yes and that was far too long." he said with a mock annoyed tone. They both paused and then giggled quietly. Tommy kissed the top of her head before they both settled down and drifted off into a warm and comfortable sleep.


Mrs. Simons had opened Tommy's door quietly to place their luggage just inside the door when she saw them wrapped in each others arms, sleeping soundly. "Goodness..... how adorable..." She whispered to herself as she closed the door silently behind her. She walked down the stairs and began prepping in the kitchen for dinner. Humming to herself and silently planning their wedding in her head.....


Knock! Knock!

Tommy groaned as he opened his tired eyes at the noise. "Yeah?" he called out, but not loud enough to wake up the sleeping Y/n still in his arms. The door opened a couple inches where his mother's face was visible. "Dinner's almost ready, so wake up Y/n and head down alright?" she whispered. Tommy nodded and she closed the door as she walked away.

Tommy looked down at Y/n's face, her eyes lightly closed and her mouth slightly parted. Tommy smiled and softly caressed her face before waking her up. "Y/n?" he said. "It's time for dinner love.." he poked her face for extra measure and watched her lids flutter open. "Nooo. I'm still tired...." She groaned as she nuzzled back into Tommy's pillow. He chuckled and tickled her sides, causing her to swat at his hands and sit up abruptly. "Toms! Cmon!" He laughed at her annoyance and pushed himself out of bed. Outstretching his hand to help her up, "I don't know about you but i've worked up an appetite. So come downstairs or not, but i'm going to go eat.." He said. Y/n grumbled and grabbed his hand, pulling herself up. "Fine..."

They walked down the stairs, Y/n stumbling a little as she was still sleepy. Mrs. Simons smiled warmly as they stepped into the kitchen. "I've just made a bunch of snack foods to munch on, since your father wont be home tonight. And maybe we can watch a movie, and you two can tell me all about your trip." Tommy smiled and thanked his mom as he sat down, Y/n trailing quietly behind him. "Thank you Mrs. Simons..." Y/n said as she sat next to Tommy. "Oh please," Mrs. Simons said. "Just called me Sarah."


The three sat in the living room after dinner, Tommy and Y/n excitedly telling Mrs. Simons about the trip. She was only half listening however, she was focused on the excitement and pure joy in their voices. Especially when they told her about the big confession and finally becoming a couple. She smiled as they spoke, the loving looks they shared, and the adoration in Tommy's voice as he spoke about the things Y/n did. She was happy that her son found someone he loved so much.

Hey guys! Sky here. I check my dm's periodically to see if anyone wants this story but until someone actually takes it I decided to right this short little chapter just to keep yall happy. Its been a while huh? I still love this story with all of my heart and i really hope someone has the same passion to continue it that i had when i started it. Hell if you guys want to give me some ideas and suggestions for new chapters, go ahead! If i start writing enough again i may pick it back up and keep the story going. I wont have a lot of free time as i have a job, a boyfriend, and a future i need to work towards, but i will still try to write when i can. I love you all dearly and wish you happy reading! <3

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