Chapter 11: We're Going On A Quest!

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The police came to the Lightfoot house as Elsa told them everything. Barley didn't trust the police so he just hung out with Ian. Barley sighed as he put his head in his hands. "I knew I would screw up something like this. Why did it have to happen?" Barley frowned as Ian comforted him. "Don't worry, they'll find Maddy," Ian told his brother. Barley looked up. "They? They! I don't trust these guys! They may just go back to their station and eat donuts all day for all I care!" Barley yelled. Ian tried to say something but Barley had an idea. "Wait! I got it!" Barley said. Ian didn't like the look Barley gave him. Barley's eyes lit up. "Why don't we, yes WE, go and save Madalyn ourselves? Elsa and Violet can come too!" Barley said excitedly. Ian groaned. "Barley I don't think that's such a good idea. It's dangerous and the police can handle it themselves," Ian said. But Barley wasn't listening and went over to Elsa. "Thank you, I just hope they find my little girl soon," Elsa told the police. "Don't worry Ms. Lightfoot. We set up a Toonlet abduction alert to everyone in the Tooniverse." Judy Hopps reassured Elsa. Chief Wiggum, Joe, Bonkers, and Chase looked for evidence. Barley tapped on Elsa's shoulder. Suddenly, someone tapped on Barley. "Hey I gotta interview you next," Nick Wilde told Barley. "Not now fox man!" Barley told Nick. "Elsa, can I talk to you privately?" Barley asked. Elsa sighed and looked at Judy. "Take all the time you need Mrs. Lightfoot," Judy said as Elsa thanked the rabbit and the fox. "Barley, what is it?" Elsa asked her husband. "I just had the greatest idea! What if we go and find Maddy ourselves? Who needs the police?" Barley got all excited. Elsa sighed, "Barley, the police are trying to help us find our daughter and plus it's way too dangerous to go find her. Just let them do their job." Barley sighed, "Fine, if you don't want to find her then I will find her myself," Barley huffed. He started walking back to the house. Elsa didn't want Barley to get harmed again and she knew it would be dangerous for her and him to go out and find their daughter. But Elsa didn't want Barley to go alone. They needed to stay together. Elsa thought back on what Barley said to her on their wedding day.
Flashback to the wedding———
Elsa walked outside and watched the film of her and Barley together as a couple. She couldn't wait to start a new life with him. Barley noticed Elsa sitting, watching the near end of their wedding video. Barley walked over to her. "Hey babe, it's almost time to cut the cake! You don't wanna miss out!" Barley shouted. He walked over to Elsa and saw her crying. "Elsa? What's wrong, babe?" Barley asked her. "It's just are the best husband I could ask for. You saving me changed my life forever and I'm so glad you were there to protect me and love me for who I am," Elsa cried tears of happiness. She hugged Barley and thanked him. They stopped hugging as Barley wiped away a tear from Elsa's face. "You know I will always be there for you and I will protect us, no matter what happens," Barley said. "Us?" Elsa laughed. "Who knows? We might have a little prince or princess in our future," he said flirtatiously. Elsa shoved Barley playfully. They were about to kiss when Raph walked over. "Hey, you two lovebirds done yet? The cake is getting bored," Raph huffed. Barley took his hand out to Elsa. "Milady?" Barley walked Elsa back to the cake and they cut it.
End of flashback———
Elsa twisted her wedding ring and sighed. "Barley, wait!" Elsa called to him. Barley turned around. "Remember what you said on our wedding day that we would protect our family? Well you're right. So I'm coming with you!" Elsa said. Barley smiled, ran up, and kissed her lips. "Thanks babe! I knew I could count on you!" Barley said hugged Elsa. Elsa had a fake smile on her face. She knew that something bad was gonna happen but she didn't want to let Barley down. Barley walked over to the side of the house as he started up his van. "Whoa hold on! You guys are leaving?" Ian said. Barley looked at him and smiled. "You know? We could have a young wizard and superhero to help us on our journey. What do you say Ian? Are you in?" Barley asked. Ian gulped but knew that Violet would be coming. "Fine..." Ian sighed as Barley hugged him. "That's the spirit!" Barley noogied his brother. "Ok ok, I'll go help you guys pack things," Ian said.
"Well we have evidence! Who wants to have a snack?" Chief Wiggum said. All the cops chimed in as they all left the scene except they forgot one of their helpers.

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