Chapter 34: Barley's Last Breath

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Barley showed up as he rushed inside. He could see Ian and Violet struggling as they were fighting off the guards. Suddenly, Hades threw a fireball at Ian and Violet. They fell backward and Barley ran up and caught them. "Barley!" Ian and Violet said. "What's going on? Where's Maddy and Elsa?" Barley asked. "They're behind that curtain," Violet pointed to an old torn up black curtain. "You fight off the guards while I rescue my family!" Barley said and rushed to Elsa and Maddy. Ian and Violet nodded, continuing to fight. Barley went behind the curtain. It was dark and eerie. Then Barley heard movement. He turned around and looked in all directions. "Barley?!" said a voice. "Daddy!" said another voice. Barley turned around and then saw Elsa and Maddy. They were handcuffed to chairs with tubes in their arms. Blue stuff was going through the tubes into a machine. Elsa and Maddy looked tired and weak. "Elsa! Maddy!" Barley shouted to them. But before he could get over there, a big dark figure stood in front of Barley. Ian and Violet arrived. "Barley! Look out!" Ian cried as the big dark cloaked figure punched Barley. Barley fell to the ground. Guards were gaining up to Violet and Ian. While Barley tried to get up, Violet noticed something. A tail was sticking out of the dark cloaked figure which looked like a tiger tail and the eyes to the figure were red. She realized the tiger was under some sort of evil spell. She used her forcefield to stop the figure. She looked over at Ian. "Ian! You gotta use your magic!" she said. She pushed back as she tried to hold her forcefield bubble up. "What do you mean?" Ian asked. "This figure has been put under an evil spell and needs to be free from the curse! Trust me!" Violet called out to him. Ian nodded and looked at Barley. It was either Barley or Ian's new girlfriend. Ian knew what to do. He grabbed his staff and used a spell word to remove the curse from the dark cloaked figure. The figure dropped to the floor. Violet stopped her forcefield and looked at Ian. They cautiously walked over to the cloak and took it off. They realized it was a tiger but it was smaller. The tiger looked around. "Wh-where am I?" he asked. "Where's my family?" he asked again. "No time to explain. Follow us!" Violet said. Barley was already gone so Ian, Violet, and the tiger followed Barley's footprints.
Meanwhile, Barley got to Elsa and Maddy. "Maddy! Elsa! What have they done to you?" Barley asked them. "Barley you have to leave! It's not safe here," Elsa huffed as Maddy teared up. "Don't worry, I'll get you out of here," Barley said as he tried to uncuff his daughter and wife. It was no use. Suddenly, a gust of air rushed passed them. Then another. Barley got out his sword. He saw a blue flame and realized it was Hades. "Well well well, if it isn't the screwup," Hades cackled. Barley put on a brave face and stood in fight position. "Let them go!" Barley called out to Hades. "Oh I would, but that would be too much of a hassle," Hades said. Hades walked down to Barley. "You see, they are the main reason for my plan. I use their ice powers and take over the Tooniverse and then I will rule it all!" Hades laughed evilly. Just then, Kanga and Roo were in the distant being held up by Jafar and Iago. "Help us!" Roo cried out. "Hades! Let everyone go!" Barley called out. "Look pal, it's either the kangaroo and her joey or your wife and daughter. But hurry, our plan is about to begin!" Hades called out. Barley got really angry. "Over my dead body!" he shouted. Hades smiled evilly and was about throw a fireball when it turned to ash. "What the?!" he cried out. The Simpson group along with a demon and dragon ran up to the scene. "It ends now Hades!" Chernabog shouted. Just then, Ian, Violet, and the tiger arrived. Hades laughed. "Look at this! The gang's all here!" Hades said looking at Chernabog and Maleficent. "You two are a disgrace! I should have known!" Hades said. "Hades enough!" Maleficent said. Hades backed up. "What are you all gonna do about it?! My plan is almost complete!" he said. "Oh really? You and what army?" Sierra called out. Suddenly, guns clicked. "Don't move a muscle!" said a familiar voice. "Sideshow Bob! How?!"Sierra said. "We thought you were dead!" Bart shouted. Hades walked up to Bob. "Let's just say I had some help," Bob winked at Hades. But what Hades didn't notice was Ian and Barley got Elsa and Maddy out of the Evil Extractor. "Daddy!" Maddy said as she ran over and hugged Barley. Elsa did the same. "What! NO!" Hades shouted. Kanga kicked Jafar as Iago flew out of the mountain. Bob was shocked as he lowered his gun. The huge group of friends all grouped and stood together. Hades, Jafar, and Sideshow Bob were outnumbered. "Hades you have to put an end to this!" Chernabog shouted. "Why should I?! Bob you know what to do!" Hades said. Everyone retreated. Chernabog and Maleficent knew a shortcut. As Elsa and Barley ran to join the others, Maddy tripped over a rock. "Maddy!" Elsa cried out. Elsa ran to Maddy as Bob pointed his gun at them. "Say goodbye Lightfoots," he said. Barley noticed this and ran over to protect his family. "Barley no!" Ian called out. But as Barley ran over to his wife and daughter, he got hit. Barley collapsed to the floor. "NOOOOOOO!!!" Elsa screamed. "At last, victory is ours!!!" Hades said. "Not so fast! Hands where I can see them!" said a voice. Suddenly, the evil group of three were surrounded by police. The Simpsons group ran up to the scene. "But-but how did you...?" Hades asked. "We had some help from a certain stowaway," Chief Wiggum said as Chase came out. "Nice work pup," Chief Wiggum told Chase as Chase wagged his tail. "You are all under arrest! Take 'em away boys!" Wiggum said as Joe and Bonkers put handcuffs on Bob and Jafar. But Hades was nowhere to be seen. "Help!" cried a voice. Hades had Maleficent. Chernabog grew upset. "Ha! Face the facts Chern! You knew she was mine all along!" Hades cackled. As Hades backed up, he felt something behind him. It was Chernabog. "Think again old friend," Chernabog said and punched Hades. Hades screamed and landed in the police car. "Gods! Not again." Hades huffed. "You said it," Jafar butted in.

Colt and Laurel arrived at the mountain with police surrounding it. Laurel got worried as Chief Wiggum cane out looking sad. "Where are my boys?" Laurel asked, panicking. Chief Wiggum sighed and brought Colt and Laurel over.

"No no," Elsa teared up. "Daddy?" Maddy said. Barley stirred. "Elsa..."Barley whispered. Elsa got closer holding Barley's hand. "Elsa, I...I'm so sorry. This is...all my fault," he said as Elsa shushed him. "I...was a screwup and...I deserve nothing..." he huffed. Elsa smiled. "No Barley, I should be sorry. You knew this all along and you saved me and Maddy's lives. I couldn't have asked for a better husband or father," Elsa said tearing up. Zeke walked over to Maddy and hugged her along with Roo. Colt and Laurel ran over to Barley as the rest of the group followed. "Elsa...take good of care of Maddy for me...she will grow up to be a beautiful princess just like" Barley said. Then he passed away. Maddy walked over to her mother holding Zeke's hand as Elsa hugged her daughter and her friend crying. Everyone did a group hug and cried. It was a solemn day.

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