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This chapter contains parts from the last chapter. For those who do not like to read smut or are under the age of 18, please skip this chapter.

Anal sex, non-consensual sex, dubious consent, nipple play.

This chapter is basically Hyunjin remembering and having flashbacks from the night he lost his virginity. Please enjoy and have a great day, cupcakes :)


Minho tasted like blueberries. Not the sour or bitter kind and not the overly sweet, mushy kind, but the perfect balance of a recently ripe blueberry.

The hints of caramel made the slightly bitterness in the blueberry sweet, contrasting with Minho's scent almost too well. Hyunjin had never really been a forest lover, but thinking about it right now, he might reconsider.

Never had he ever thought of the scent of pine trees and fresh moss as calming, making him purr and relax, letting his lips part easily for Minho's tongue to find his own. It felt like Minho was trying to suck the life out of him, or at least he was chasing something as their kiss only got rougher and rougher.

Hyunjin gasped when Minho's hands tugged his nipples, body jolting against the bed. The older was pinning him down, heavy weight on top of him just enough to make him feel trapped and unable to move from Minho. His resolve was slowly breaking too and Hyunjin found himself giving in, not even bothering to put an effort in fighting back. A pleased hum coming from Minho was his reward and he pretty much melted under those watchful eyes.

The marks on his neck were throbbing pleasantly and Hyunjin almost believed there was no skin left but blotches of hickies that Minho had created on him. If you had told him a few days prior to this night, he would've never believed sex could ever feel this good. His impression of it was often that it was dirty and painful, sometimes it didn't even seem like it was really needed other than to make babies. Hyunjin always thought that it would be outright unsatisfactory and that most of the times, relationships actually got ruined because of sex, sometimes before the relationship had even started or worse, after.

To think that Minho had wanted to have sex with him? Yeah, that was pretty much impossible too. Why him, out of all people? He was inexperienced and could barely say the word sex without blushing and changing the subject. Wouldn't that be kind of annoying to people like Minho?

"Hyunjin-ah, come back to me." Minho's rough voice had him snapping back to reality, shaking his head in an attempt to not disappear into his thoughts again. What was he doing now? Why was there lube in his hands?

Hyunjin watched through curious eyes as Minho applied lube to his hands, almost too much in his opinion. What would he need that for, in a situation like this one?

The raven blinked in confusion and blushed when Minho kneeled down between his legs, hand suddenly disappearing from his sight. He felt his eyes widen when something - Minho's finger - breached him.



Too big. Minho's penis was bigger than anyone he had seen ( not that he had seen any, this was his first time seeing another man's sex ) and Hyunjin felt like he was dying.

The alpha was whispering praises in his ear, making him melt against the bed every time those sinful lips ghosted beside his ear, willing to let Minho whisk him away and leave nothing left. He was spent, trying to remember how to form proper words but all that came from his mouth were unrecognisable gurgles and embarrassingly high whimpers.

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