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Chan watched the younger as he slept, admiring the way Hyunjin's lashes would flutter every then and there.

Despite being older than Jeongin, he still proceeded to look so soft and innocent, like a lamb in a wolf's nest. The raven looked almost too peaceful like that, even though he had no idea of who they were and where he was.

Chan wanted to ruin that innocence.

Hwang Hyunjin is really pretty for being an alpha, that he had to admit. He did not lie when he said that he liked how the boy's plump, kissable lips pouted slightly in his sleep or how his raven hair curled over his face like feathers in a forest of elves and spiraling trees.

So serene and yet, so unaware of the mess he was a part of. His older brother had done a good job trying to protect this beauty from the world.

It's such a shame it is too late now, isn't it?

To be honest, even he had been surprised once he heard about that Hyunjin had presented as an alpha and not as an omega. Not that he minded it, the fact just caught him off guard.

Nevertheless, Hwang Hyunjin was enchantingly beautiful.

He chuckled as the said boy shifted, unconsciously curling closer to him before sighing and continuing his slumber.

"So lucky we were to catch you." Chan muttered softly, gently brushing Hyunjin's cheek.

The younger let out a small noise as he carded his fingers through raven hair, brushing it out of Hyunjin's eyes just to watch the way those pretty eyelashes would flutter and ghost upon rosy cheeks, the sleeping boy pursing his lips into a small pout.

Feeling a smile quirk at the end of his lips, Chan allowed his hand to wander lower and lower down until he could slip his hand under the pale boy's t-shirt. He slowly started to draw circles on warm skin, grin growing wider as Hyunjin let out a soft whimper, still not waking up.

Instead, he snuggled closer to Chan's body, almost as if he tried to find warmth and comfort in an embrace of another man.

The young alpha stayed unaware of the wolf grin casted his way, despite the way Chan's eyes ranked over his body. Such a defenseless lamb, just waiting to be devoured.

He clicked with his tongue, putting a reminder in the back of his head to train the boy properly later. After all, he couldn't afford his angel being caught off guard by someone else, can he?

The thought of Hyunjin with someone else suddenly gave him the urge to growl.

Chan's peaceful thoughts were interrupted as the door opened, revealing a tired-looking Felix. The omega entered the room with almost silent steps, immediately sporting a smile at the sight of the pretty boy cuddling against his pack alpha's chest, looking so peaceful and content.

He sank down on the bed beside Hyunjin, small fingers coming to brush his cheek softly. The sleeping alpha leaned into his hand in return, making him beam happily at the cute reaction.

"You say we can't have him yet and here you are, alone and getting all cozy with him." Felix pouted as Chan chuckled, hand coming to cup the younger's chin.

The omega allowed him to pull him in for a kiss, humming happily against the older's lips. However, it didn't last long before Chan pulled away and let Felix nuzzle against his hand with a soft purr.

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