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His ear twitched, the young alpha looking up as if he had heard something.


The faint sound was slightly clearer this time, making him turn around to look behind himself.

There was no one there.


He frowned.


What was that? A name?

Who's name? Was it...his?

The young boy could not remember.

All he wanted was to go back to sleep on this comfortable bed, surrounded by nothing but pitch black darkness.


That name...

It sounded really familiar...

Why was he here again?

How did he get here?

The raven sat up this time, trying to blink in the darkness.

How strange it was, to feel nothing.

Where....where is he?


Hyunjin startled awake, gasping for air as he tried to calm his racing heart.

The first thing he noticed, was how dark it was.

He couldn't see anything.

Trying not to panic, Hyunjin bit down on his bottom lip hard, head whipping in different directions for any clue of where he could possibly be.

It was when he tried to stand up that he realized that he was tied to a goddamn chair.

The ropes were rough and someone must've carefully tied them, because now they dug painfully into his skin as Hyunjin tried not to squirm too much.

He vaguely registered the sound of the chair scraping against a floor, assuming he must've been taken to some shady, rundown place.

Just the room alone smelled like odor in a locker room and a bit of mint. ( Not really a great combination, if you asked him. )

The raven tried tugging the rope, quickly noticing how thick it was. It wouldn't budge anytime soon, no matter how hard he tried.

He'd most likely only hurt himself with how raw it was.

Hyunjin groaned in frustration, choosing to look around instead. It was still pitch black, but he knew his eyes should get used to the darkness soon.

And after a while, the shadows did indeed slowly fade as he was able to see the walls of the room and how well-worn they were. The room alone was relatively small, enough to fit a single squared table of metal and the chair he was currently tied to.

hiraeth. [You Are Ours Rewrite]Where stories live. Discover now