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"Working hard is important. But there is something that matters even more. Believing in yourself."
-Harry Potter-

Y/n finally got to the place where the letter said the meeting would be held at. She opened the door slowly, most of the students were boys but there was one girl wearing a red dress, sitting next to the guy Y/n recognised as Severus Snape. So Y/n went over to sit next to her.

The boys' chattering instantly stopped when they saw her. They were taken aback by her beauty, especially Tom. He couldn't take his eyes off of her and he had no intention to.

Y/n slowly went over to the girl and sat at the seat next to her, a bit shy because of all the eyes on her.

"Hello, Y/n, my name's Lily, Lily Evans." the ginger haired girl said sweetly, taking her hand out for Y/n to shake while smiling warmly.

"Pleasure to meet you." Y/n replied, taking Lily's hand and shaking it.

"Pleasure's all mine." Lily said with a smile. Then she began chatting with Severus, by the looks of it, Severus fancied her. The boys started chatting again, some now talking about how beautiful Y/n looked.

Y/n looked over to Tom to see him gazing at her, still amazed by how gorgeous she looked. His eyes were glued onto her, it was an unfamiliar feeling. He was wearing a black collared long sleeve shirt which enhanced his green eyes. His dark curls were placed neatly to the side like they always were. He stood out from the others because everyone else was wearing white collared long sleeves.

Y/n giggled lightly at Tom's amazement, Tom looked away, realising how dumb he might've looked.

Professor Slughorn entered the room and saw Y/n.

"Ah, Miss L/n, so glad you made it." he said, sitting down at the end of the table. "Right, now, let's get some food on the table, shall we?" Slughorn suggested with a smile. He clapped his hands and almost in an instant, all sorts of food were on the table. Plates and silverware were in front of every student.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

As the dinner went on, they talked about potions and other nonsense that Y/n didn't quite understand or wasn't exactly interested in. So Y/n zoned out, thinking about Matthew, James, Tom, her Mother, and The Slytherin Kingdom, when a strange question caught her attention.

"So, Tom, do you have any particular interest in anyone at the moment?" Professor Slughorn asked, glancing between Tom and Y/n.

Tom choked on his drink before replying,

"No, sir."

"Oh, that's a shame." Slughorn replied, now looking at Y/n. Y/n tried to hide her smile, seeing Tom's attempts of playing off that embarrassing moment. She covered her mouth slightly in attempts of hiding her laugh.

Tom looked down at his plate, a bit embarrassed and continued eating his food.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

The rest of the meeting went by rather quickly and Y/n said her goodbyes. Once Y/n left the room, she saw Tom patiently looking out of a window, waiting for her.

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