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"Life itself is a privilege.
But to live life to the fullest - well,
that is a choice."
-Andy Andrews-

Y/n sat nervously on the small wooden stool and felt the old hat being placed on her head.

"Ah, a L/n, haven't sorted one of you for quite some time now. Lets see.... You're...difficult. Very difficult. You're cunning, yes, and a nice thirst to prove yourself. Though, you're incredibly witty, quite intelligent if I do say so myself."

'Please not Slytherin' Y/n said in her head, afraid of disappointing her family and being the first L/n to be sorted into a different house.

"Not Slytherin eh? Alright fine. RAVENCLAW!"

Loud cheers erupted from the Ravenclaw table as
Y/n, up and walked over to Matthew and Cindy.

Whispers could be heard from the Slytherin table. But Y/n didn't mind, all she wanted was to be with her friends and NOT be a disappointment to her family.

As soon as she got to her table, Professor Dippet made another announcement

"Just before we begin, I'd like to introduce you to our new Defence Against The Dark Arts professor," (this is during Tom Riddle's time so she'll be staying for more than a year).

Y/n looked up from the table and saw a woman about the same height as her. She had light brown hair which ended above her shoulders. Her hair curled slightly at the bottom. She looked quite a bit like Y/n if I do so myself.

Y/n was shocked at their resemblance.

From the corner of her eye she could see Cindy looking back at her and the new professor.

Matthew leaned towards Y/n's ear, not looking away from the professor.

"You look almost exactly like her." he whispered.

Y/n was brought out of her thoughts when professor Dippet spoke again.

"Please give a warm welcome to Professor Miller." The students clapped and cheered.

Professor Miller dashed them a warming smile before returning back to her place at the teacher's table.

Y/n's POV

Just like everyone else, I couldn't help but notice our resemblance. Not to mention, she looked exactly like- no, it can't be.

My mother was murdered years ago. There's no way she could be alive... I'm just hoping for something that can't be. Besides, its been years since I've last seen my mother and I hardly have any pictures of her. Maybe they don't even look alike. Maybe I've forgotten what my mother looks like.

As soon as Professor Miller returned to her seat, the tables filled with food. As delicious as the food looked, I could hardly eat any. The candies earlier filled my stomach. So I spent the rest of the dinner chatting with Matthew and Cindy.

I would take a glance at the new professor every once in a while, to find her gazing right back at me. It was odd. It felt like I was looking right into a mirror. But it has to just be a huge coincidence.

As I let my eyes wander around the great hall, they landed on the Slytherin table. I scanned the Slytherin house and my eyes landed on Tom. Instead of eating, he was writing in a black book which I assumed was his diary. The people around him where strangely quiet compared to the rest of the Slytherin members. Slytherin was being awfully chatty at the moment. The only people that weren't chatting were Tom and the small group around him.

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