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"If you want to fly, then give up everything that weighs you down."


I am here waiting at the cafe for Evelyn. It's the same cafe where we met about a month ago. She is coming today to meet me. I am happy yet nervous. Happy of the fact that I will get to see her, that cute face of hers. It literally makes my heart skip a beat. She is an angle.

I don't know how should I tell her everything. She is going to get hurt. And I can't see her like that. I am not sure how our meeting, or should I call it a date, is going to turn out.

"Hey!" I saw Evelyn waving and taking her seat in front of me. Gigi also came with her she must be roaming her and there.

"Hello!" I replied her placing a kiss on her forehead.

"I can't wait to know what's so urgent that you want to tell me." She claims. She is still having the beautiful smile on her face. May be, I am going to fade it away. I am sorry, Evelyn.

"It's about your D---Dad."I stopped because I couldn't just split it out knowing how harsh it is and how it's gonna hurt her.

"I don't know whom you're going to hate after this. But Evelyn, let me tell you that whatever I am gonna say is everything true. Please try to be calm and understand. I am sure we can find a way out of this. There is a chance that you will end up hating me for saying this. But remember, I will always love you. And I wanna fight for you. It will be hard but I need you." Her face has turned feeble listening this and I am going out of ideas of how should I continue.

She nodded assuring me to keep telling.

"Years ago, my grandmother used to be the maid of your grandfather' house. My mom and your dad were in their 20s then. One day it happened like, your dad and my mom were caught having s---sex." My heart was aching while narrating and my eyes were already filled with tears.

"Your grandfather forced your dad to marry my mom. But your dad refused as my mom is just a daughter of a maid. My mom won't match your dad. He won't marry such a low class woman. And he was so far in love with your mom. They were planning to get married but this happened in between. This created a lot of chaos back then. To avoid this marriage, your dad made my mom and grandma flee from San Francisco. He made them stay in North Carolina in a way that no one can find them out. Since my grandma being the maid of your hour was the only source of income, my mom and grandma had nothing when they moved here. Your dad paid everything for us. Everything includes only food, shelter and regular clothing. We sacrificed as much as possible from there and saved for my education."

I stopped in between to take a long breath.

"My mom met my dad. My dad worked and managed to earn for our daily needs. So we went back to North Carolina and we ended up being neighbors. We met this way and I fell for you. You were my only friend. When dad left us, mom once more became income less. So that's when she had to beg your dad for money. Your dad kicked us from San Francisco and shifted us back here. He didn't want you to have any relation with me. He said that my mom is a slut. He called the son of a slut. So in return of his money, he wanted us to be separated."

"After years, my mom got work in San Francisco so we stopped our contact with your dad and went there. That place is our home. I took birth there. We hardly know someone here. It's so hard staying in North Carolina. But again he found out us when you took admission in the school I was studying. And the same process, he came to us and ordered strictly to get out of there and we got separated once again. We were surviving for your dad's money but he had control us. Now that I earn, we don't relay on him anymore. But he still has control over us. He will hurt me and my mom if he gets to know about us,Evelyn. I am out of words of how should I ask for your forgiveness."I broke down in tears.

I looked at Evelyn who was sobbing for what I revealed today. She looked at my eyes that were filled with tears as well. She got up and then just came in my arms. I threw my arms around her back and pulled her closer to me when her head was laying on my chest. This feels so warm and affectionate. I don't want to let her go. I want this moment to stop when there's only me and her and nobody else. I wanna embrace her. To be there with her in her difficult times as well as in times of joy. I love you so much, Evelyn. I will never let you go.

"I will find a way out of it. But promise me, you will never leave me." She said while lifting up her face when my eyes went in contact directly with hers.

"I won't. Never and ever." I told it from the bosom of my soul.

"You know, it's just so hard knowing the truth. But I always felt like there is something behind you leaving me. I know but my heart is saying me to believe it. So yes, I am doing it but no problem. We will try to make dad realize everything and let go past. Because, I love you and I really want to spend the rest of my life with you." She added making my heart dance in joy.

"Do you have any idea how much your words can make me happy, my love?" I giggled to her.

After listening this, she hugged me tightly never letting me go.

I am in love with this girl and I don't think I will every stop doing so.

A/N: Anddddd the truth is finally spilled out. Let me know your reviews in the comment section.

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