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You don't have to have it all figured out. Just take the next step.


In these 16 years of my life, I grew up surrounded by luxury. What I have experienced till date is just how it feels being a princess. My parents have given me love. Cared me from they very beginning to till now. I am sure that they will do that always. Although, they keep me away from many things but they are for my betterment. They gave me everything I wanted. I must say, I am really blessed to have such parents. I love you Mom and Dad.

"Good morning,princess. How was your sleep?" The king, I mean my dad, Ryon Ellen just greeted me as I walked towards the breakfast hall. I pulled out a chair beside my dad and sat on it. "Good morning to you too, dad. I had an amazing sleep", I said grabbing some breads with nutella. My family has delicious breakfasts every morning. They would prepare every food that make people's mouths watery. I saw different plates over there with different snacks. But I always preferred some breads with nutella on it, my favorite for obvious.

When I entered the hall, I could see my dad was ready for going out. Usually, he goes out for work at 10:00 a.m but it's only 7:30 a.m now. I didn't mind much and left it without questioning him about it. But now as I saw my mom,Melanie Ellen, who was also dressed up for going out, I got confused. "Where are you both going so early in the morning?", I asked them.

"Not only us, you too are going. Have your breakfast and get ready", my mom replied. Oh,great!They fixed outings and informed me now.

"Okay, but what place are we going this early?"I asked.

"You will get to know once we reach there", dad answered. I will never understand why they are like this with me,never mind.

Breakfast got over with silence and I went to my room upstairs. Sitting on my bed, I just stared at my closet trying to choose what to wear. My mom always chooses clothes for me. Yeah, just like I said I am still a kid for them. Moreover,I am really very bad in doing this. I always get confused on what to wear and what not to. A girl with no fashion sense. I simply chose a Tokyo Talkies jeans that perfectly fits my bottom. That jeans is my favourite. It's so comforting and I can wear it anywhere. I don't even know where we are going. So how do you expect me to choose my outfit? I took a V-neck line top from there that has a red rose on its corner. And the top is of peach colour. Peach is my choice. It's so cute.

I saw the maid coming and asking me to get ready fast. So I hurried not taking much time for being lost in my thoughts.

I hasten towards the car that's already waiting for me in the lawn. I opened the door of the car when I spotted mom and dad there. I heard mom saying "You're ready." Nodding my head, I curved my lips for a beam of smile. The driver started the engine as we were all set. We made our way out of our house.

"Here we reach, princess", dad announced with a slight smile on his face. I lifted my head up to see the name of the school. It stated "St. Anthony High School" that is in a very short distance from my house in San Francisco. It is not a high standard school. Most of them are basically from middle-class backgrounds. I can say this isn't the school I am supposed to study. I should be studying in a royal school with full of rich students, which is like my previous school. Also, schools where all my cousins studied and are studying. I stand a step back from them tho. They are always so smart and confident. Which definitely doesn't match my level. I am the youngest of them so I have always been treated like a kid. It's not like they mock me for being so less confidence and smart. But they understand that I am innocent from my heart. I don't interact much with people and always stay silent. I don't have a large squad of friends but here I am enjoying my own company.

Snapping out of my thoughts, I headed towards the principal's room holding my dad's and mom's hands with a tight grip. Now, I know why we are here.

It all went like a month ago, I was dropped out of my school "Creast Bay High School" because of a witch who is always with evil ideas on her mind, Lexi Lopez. The girl who likes to create scandals about others. Always insults people for being dumb. And how she rules the school just because she is the richest and the hottest on there. No one can literally say against her. I tried my best to ignore her but feels like I am her favourite target. What she did one day creating a fight between us, slapped me in the class just because I raised my voice against her bully. I come from a rich family too. I can keep up with her but why should I? Being rich doesn't mean you have to dominate everyone. She then framed me for our fight in front of the head of the school. I couldn't fight against her and take stand for myself. I stood like a dumb. I might be rich like her, but not a bloody bitch, I am not. After this incident, I felt bad because my parents were ashamed in my school. But they didn't scold me as they knew it wasn't my mistake. I explained the whole matter to them. I knew they will trust me. They were okay with it and said they would admit me to another good school.

This time, they didn't choose such a luxurious school. They told I can't stay in such schools with such students. I am a girl who is soft hearted and always stayed quiet when someone opposed me.

During our talk with principal, I said to my mom that I need to use the washroom. One of the workers there had let me know that it is near the corridor of 12th Standard. I went to the washroom and saw the noisy 12th standard. Class is not started yet and the students are shouting and running over here and there like kids, LMAO.

Out of a sudden, I saw a tall and fit, and what we termed as a super handsome boy, who made me lost in his looks, heading towards the class. Oh, wait! "Why do I find this face so fuckin' familiar and why is my heart aching suddenly after my eyes landed on him?" I question myself as soon as I stopped getting lost in his striking look. I can recall someone from my childhood who had a special place in my heart back then. My heart feels wrenching as I see him out of nowhere. And all those memories are making a slideshow in my eyes. How it was all good and how it affected me. May be it's still affecting me somewhere. He was the only person I was close to. My only friend. And after all those, I am left with no one.

He is Evan Anderson.

Please do head to the next chapter.
Thank you :)

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