Chapter 9

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Chuuya's POV

I slowly opened my eyes lifted my head and quietly looked around. I was rising and sinking slowly and whatever was beneath me was warm. I looked down to see why. I widened my eyes to see Dazai sleeping peacefully, a protective arm on my back, and his breathing was rising and sinking me slowly but surely. I shifted a little to try and get up, but he tensed up so I decided to stay put. I lay back down on Dazai's chest and breathed in his scent. It was calming, nostalgic in a way. 

"Awake Chibi?" I heard. I whipped up my head again to see Dazai half awake and smiling at me. I nodded in response. Dazai chuckled at my response and he slowly sat up while I was still on his chest so I sat up with him. 

"You alright Chuuya?" Dazai asked softly. 

"Yea... Thanks, Dazai..." I mumbled back. I nuzzled into his chest again. I wonder why, whenever I'm with him, I feel like everything going to be okay, whatever it is he'll assist me through it. I breathed in his scent and sighed deeply. 

"Should you be acting like this to a member of the opposing organization Chuuya~?" Dazai teased. I stayed silent. Oh right... He wasn't in the Port Mafia. Not anymore at least. 

"Weren't you the one who asked me to be your lover...?" I asked. Dazai widened his eyes and smiled. 

"I did, didn't I?" Dazai chuckles. 

"Idiot..." I sighed. I sat up and got off of Dazai so he could stand. He stood up while I stretched out my limbs. 

"Sorry I woke you up last night...." I mumbled. 

"Hm...? Oh, that. Don't worry about it Chuu-Chuu, It's alright.  Dazai grinned. I nodded after a few seconds. But I knew it wasn't alright. If I kept waking him up like this, it could affect his work. If he gets scolded it's going to be my fault and not his. 

"Shall we get some breakfast Pumpkin?" Dazai asked

"........ Sure... I guess..." I replied. 

"Great! Go change! I know a good cafe down the street." Dazai smiled. 

"Eh- We're not eating here?" I questioned a little confused. 

"Cmon Chuuya~ Just a little date." Dazai laughs at my reaction. 

"D-Date?! Dazai we have work today!" I exclaim. 

"A breakfast Date Chibi~ It'll end before we have to get to work." Dazai pouted.

"Fine..." I sighed. Dazai's eyes lit up and he jumped up in excitement. 

"Yayy!! It's a date then!" Dazai said excitedly. 

"Why are you so excited..." I ask. 

"Why don't we also ask Atsushi and Akutagawa to come with us?" Dazai grinned. I stared at him in disbelief. 
"Cmon Chuuya, Double date!" 

"Do you know how much those two despise each other?!" I exclaimed. 

"Do you know how much we despised each other Chibi~?" Dazai smirked. 

"Fair enough... Alright, I'll call Aku since I don't have Jinko's number." I sighed. 

"Gotcha!" Dazai smiled and grabbed his phone. I also grabbed my phone and called Akutagawa. Aku picks up after a few rings. 

"Hello?" Aku answers. 

"Hey Aku, I found a cafe down the street from my house, do you want to go and eat breakfast with me? My treat." I asked. 

"Is that an order from an executive?" 

"Will you go if it's not?"

"....... Where and what time..." He sighed. 

"Great! It's on (insert street) and let's go around..." I looked at Dazai for any clues of when we are going to go. He put up the number 7 on his fingers, and 10 5 times. 

"Okay, I'll be there then. See ya then." Aku says before he cuts the call. I pocket my phone and waits for Dazai to finish. 

"We're good to go!" Dazai said as he also pockets his phone. 

"I'll go first with Aku, you come in with Atsushi. I told Aku that only I was coming and no one else." I growled. 

"After all, I did for you yesterday Chuuya~ So mean~" Dazai pouted. I sighed

"Cmere you big baby..." I mumbled and harshly pulled down on Dazai's shirt forcing him to lean down a little and I kissed him on the cheek before I let go of his shirt. 
"I'll be going first then," I said before I left the room. 

{Whythefuckdididothatwhythefuckdididothatwhythefuckdididothat-} I exclaimed in my head as I walked quickly out of the house, grabbing my hat and coat along the way from the coat hanger. I shook my head to clear my thoughts, I just had to get to the cafe. 

A Few Minutes Later

Me and Aku were already seated at a table having our little breakfast when I saw Dazai coming in with the weretiger.

{Just act...} I thought to myself. 

"We have a full house? It's okay we can share tables if that's what you wish Miss!" I heard Dazai grin. Dazai and Jinko walked over to our table. 

"Hello, May we sit with you-... Geh-! Chuuya! This is the absolute worst!" Dazai exclaimed. 

"That's my line Shitty Dazai what the hell are you doing here?!" I yelled back. 

"Well me and Atsushi-kun were coming to eat breakfast, to think two people of the mafia was already here," Dazai growled. 

"Is there a problem?" One of the Waitresses asked. 

"No no, it's alright Miss. Scooch Chuuya." Dazai said. I sighed and scooched over on the couch I was sitting on. Jinko timidly took the seat next to Aku. 

"Say Chuuya, have you and Atsushi-kun properly met each other?" Dazai asked. 

"Other than missions no we have not. Why ask." I replied with a huff. 

"Well go ahead and introduce yourself!" Dazai grumbled. I glared at Dazai before sighing once again. 

"Nakahara Chuuya, One of the 5 Port Mafia's Executives. FORMER Dazai's partner as Double Black. My Ability is called 'Upon the Tainted Sorrows' which lets me control the gravity of the things I touch, anything else?" I growl and emphasized the word 'former'. Jinko shook his head. 

"N-Nakajima Atsushi, an Armed Detective Agency's employee. My ability is Beast Under the Moonlight which basically lets me turn into a white tiger. Former orphan..." Jinko mumbled. 

"Former Orphan?" I raised my eyebrow. Jinko nodded. I hummed quietly. 

"But to think you two would be here." Dazai sighed. 

"The hell do you mean Mackeral," I growl. Dazai shrugs. 

"Of all of the Port Mafia you're the two that seems that won't have breakfast in a cafe like this," Dazai says with a grin. 

"Oh, shut it! We do what we want-"

"Uhm... sorry to interrupt you guys but are you two going to order? These two already have..." The poor waitress asked while gesturing at Jinko and Akutagawa. 

"Oh of course Mademoiselle. Sorry for the Chibi, he's always has been a hot-headed loud mouth." Dazai basically smirks. 

"Haah?!" I exclaim. But Dazai ignores and just orders. 

"What are you going to get Chuuya?" Dazai asks. I waved my hand around in annoyance. 

"Fried rice will do," I say irritated. The waitress nods and walks off. 

"So rude to even a lady Chuuya, you should learn some respect." Dazai pouts. 
"They are making food for you, y'know?" 

"Paying is respectful enough," I reply. Dazai sighs and nods. 

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