Chapter 3

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Chuuya's POV

It was the next day, after again a sleepless night of nightmares of the past, I yawned and walked along the long halls of our mafia building. From a distance, I saw Akutagawa's familiar tall black figure waiting for me. Confused, I walked towards him. 

"Need something Aku?" I asked. 

"Dazai-san asked me to question you if you ate yesterday after you left," Aku replied densely. I widened my eyes and faked a small laugh. I reached up and ruffled Aku's hair. 

"I did Aku, thanks. Also tell that Mackeral to not worry about me, I can take care of myself." I laughed. Aku nods wincing a little at the harsh ruffling. I let go of his head and made a fake smile up at Aku. The fake smile I did for many years now yet no one notices a thing. 

{Why am I lying to them? Shouldn't I tell them? NO! That will make me seem weak, I'll never tell them...} 

"Alright, I'll tell Dazai-san that," Aku said as he straightened up. I nodded in approval and walked off to my office. I saw him also walk off from the corner of my eye. I shut and locked the door to my office before running towards my couch, lied down, curling up, and quietly crying. 

{Dont cry... Don't Cry! Wipe those tears if you're a man! Cmon Chuuya!} I slowly sat up and wiped my tears Yet they continued to fall. I brought my knees to my chest and dug my head into my knees. Why did the professor pick me as the vessel for Arahabaki? A strong god of calamity like him. To a weak crybaby like me...

"INCOMING!" I heard. I just whipped up my head from my knees when I saw glass shattering and in midst of the glass I saw Dazai leaping into my office I widened my eyes and quickly wiped my tears. 

"W-what the hell Shitty Dazai..." I stuttered. 

"I just wanted to pay Chibi a visit-...... Chuuya?" Dazai started to walk slowly towards me. I widened my eyes then screwed them shut, curling up again. 

"Don't come any CLOSER!" I yelled out. Dazai stopped abruptly and stared at me. I was shaking, trembling, crying... I just didn't want anyone to come closer. But he started to walk towards me again. I shook my head. 

"No! Dazai go away! Leave me... be.... please...." I cried. He finally stood right in front of me and sat down on the couch next to me. I covered my face with my arms, still trembling. 

"Chuuya...." I whispered sweetly and leaned towards me reaching a hand towards my cheek. 

"N-No! Stay away! I don't want you to.... see me like this...!" I shouted. He touched my cheek with his palm and I slapped his hand away. Nonetheless, he tried again. Again and again and again... He kept repeating my name...


"Stop it... Stop it!..... STOP IT!" I yelled and tried to push him away. He resisted and continued to push forward. He pushed me down so I was beneath him, I gave up after that and just continued to cry, my arms still covering my face. 

"Chuuya...." He called my name once more before he sat me up and hugged me tightly. I tensed up before slowly relaxing into the hug. 

"What happened Chuuya? It's rare for the Chibi to be crying..." Dazai whispered. I shook my head, refusing to answer his question. He sighed and started stroking my back to try and calm me down. To help me relax so that I could have enough courage to tell him, why I am crying.
"It's alright Chuuya, I won't hurt you... I'll wait until you are ready to tell me okay?" I nodded at Dazai's generous words and my cries slowly became sniffles and whimpers. 

"I-It's just... Whenever I hear or see glass shattering... I remember my past.... and yesterday night... I had a dream of father.... again..." I whimpered hiccuping along the way from trying to stop my tears. He nodded in understanding and continued stroking my back to calm me down. 

"I'm sorry if I scared you Chuuya... It's alright, your father isn't here... Don't worry..." He said softly. I nuzzled into his shoulder and nodded. After a few minutes, my whimpers died down and I started drifting a little. I rested my cheek on Dazai's chest and fell asleep from the exhaustion of crying. 

"Rest Chibi.... Don't worry, from now on, I'll be right there for you. Always..." 

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