1. LIV

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chapter is un-edited, will be fixed soon. 


"Come on! We need to leave right now!" Larry said walking into his twins hotel room.

"Okay, I'm coming now." Laurent said then placed his gold plated grill on his first 6 teeth of the bottom row. To Larry this was just like any other club appearance that they normally did but for Laurent it was very important. Not that Larry didn't look his best best for the night; he did, but his brother topped him. This was the night they'd be at LIV nightclub in Miami. LIV was one of the most popular clubs in Miami, meaning lots and lots of beautiful woman would be there. He stared at himself for a moment and flashed a smile. He walked out of the bathroom and told his brother he was ready.

"You don't even have you shoes on, motherfucker!" Larry said shoving his brother as he walked past him. "Hurry up! You make us late!"

Laurent sat on the edge of the bed and put on his shoes. "Don't rudge me!"

Larry looked at him funny. "Rudge? What is that? There's no rudge, is rush!" He said dragging out the 'sh' sound in the word.

"Well don't RUSH me!" Laurent yelled. "Little boy." He added slyly, to remind his twin that he was older.

Larry rolled his eyes and started walking toward the door. "Let's go, Lau! The car is here." He walked out of the room as Laurent stood up and grabbed his favorite rings off of the table and slipped them onto each of his fingers. He grabbed his beaded necklace and put it on as well then proceeded to spray himself lightly with cologne. He grabbed his red and black flannel and turned off the light as he walked out of the room. He caught up to Larry somewhat down the hallway only because he was texting as he walked, which always slowed him down.

"But I'm the slow one." Laurent said as he passed his brother and hit the button to the elevator.

Larry looked up. "Shut up." He put his phone in his pocket and hopped on the elevator with his brother. Their ascend down to the lobby took less than a minute given that they were coming from the 6th floor. Once they got to the lobby the people at the front desk nodded to them and wished them a great night out. The twins flashed them a smile and walked out to their Über car waiting for them in the front of the hotel. They slid into the backseat and began the 10 minute drive to the club.

Laurent chuckled a little bit. "Larry don't pour alcohol on girls this time, okay?" He said pulling his flannels arms through his belt loops.

"You don't know what you saying. I never did that." Larry protested.

"You lie. Remember the girls at-"

"Shut up! I pour it in their mouth." Larry said cutting his brother off.

"Yeah, sure." Laurent replied sarcastically, sitting back in his seat.

The rest of the ride was all conversation of what songs they were dancing to, what new moves they'd do and what moves they are going to try not to do. They arrived at the club and seen a big crowded line of people standing outside waiting to get inside. When the twins got out of the car it didn't take the crowd long to realize who they were. They quickly acknowledged their supporters who reached out to them until Laurent noticed one girl who was trying to have a conversation with who friend who was obviously gawking at the twins presence. That one girl wasn't paying attention to them at all. It didn't necessarily bother him but he did want to know who she was after seeing only her backside and her stylish outfit. He tapped Larry and pointed out the two girls.
"The brown skinned girl with the curly hair. I need to see her face." Laurent said then walked up to the bouncer to explain who they were and that they were there for an appearance. At that moment Larry took notice of those two girls and couldn't stop looking in their direction and he didn't care if he got caught or not. The light skinned friend that was admiring the twins, quickly realized that he was looking at her friend.

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