Trained Luz

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Author's notes: This episode will give you something to talk about, I hope you like it, and I don't own The Owl House, the rights go to Dana Terrece, and if you can vote I'll be grateful, and if you can comment, theorize, ask questions or criticize I will be happy, happy reading :)

Okay, as I don't know how humans train I would like to watch - said Gus.

Also - said the others.

OK no problems ! said Cintia.

So Luz, how about we go to the classic, swords, bows and arrows and then firearms? said Cintia.

I think it's a good one - said Luz.

Ok remember, neck up, straight posture, feet well positioned, look the opponent in the eye, and when walking backwards keep your eyes on the opponent, well just remembering what you already know - said Cintia - continuing I brought a robot here for you to train mixed with illusion and you will understand - says Cintia taking a small robot out of her bag that grew, until it was Eda and Lilith's height, and then Cintia created an illusion mixed with her spiritual magic, and an image of a man, tall like Eda and Lilith, with black hair and beard, and a suit with a look of disgust, that this image left Luz with a mixture of anger, hatred and sadness, and Cintia was trying to ignore it and then she said - Luz You never really had your chance for revenge on this being, did you? - Said Cintia leaving everyone but Luz who started to understand where she wanted to go without understanding anything.

Yes, I could never take revenge for what he did - Said Luz leaving everyone more confused, because they thought she would say things like - Vengeance never leads to anything - or - Vengeance is never complete kills the soul and poisons it - but she only stayed there with vague answers.

Well ... Look how cool - Said Cintia handing a sword to Luz - today is your lucky day, Luz defeat him, feel a little taste of revenge, this is the next one you train, trying to kill the robot and he tries to hurt you , and deviate, understand? - explains Cintia.

Everyone get away from the training ground - Cintia says and everyone gets away.

And let the fight begin! Exclaimed Cintia.

Luz sighs and takes the first step, she raises her sword and tries to hit the robot, almost hitting it defends itself and then attacks - and an information it also has a sword - Luz defends itself, even though it is fast it is much faster , the more he manages to attack and hits Light on the cheek - what everyone but Cintia are worried about, and look at Cintia thinking that she is going to end the training since she is super protective, but she is just watching, standing with an empty expression on her face - Light screams with rage - scaring most of them because they will never come Light like this - and she moves forward, looking at him with a frightening expression on her face and she gets it right and cuts the robot's belly and says - You think it would come unpunished !? It kills innocents, it kills people I love and thinks it will be okay !? Well guess what, it won't be all right! - Says Luz already crying and letting her guard down when Cintia - Don't let your guard down! Look him in the eye Luz! You can ! - Cinta screams, while the others are in shock with the words of Luz and thinking about that man and who he killed, and how Luz knew him.

You took away my childhood, Cintia's childhood, and that of many children, and adults and people in general with what you created! - Says Luz advancing so much and she hits the robot and breaks it in half, she turns and looks at the others with wide eyes and Cintia holding on to keep from crying, when she saw the robot that was already down she threw her sword to hit Luz but a magic intervenes ... Cintia, who stops the sword with her hands, throws it away from Luz, and starts clapping her hands saying:

Congratulations Luz! - says Cintia - I knew that you could masterfully, but now we will heal your wound! - Says Cintia approaching and invoking a first aid kit and then explains to everyone who is approaching:

I wanted to start with swords that are already preparing for magic, it is like vaccines it prepares your body for the disease, because when you get in touch after the vaccine you will not get the disease - Explains Cintia.

And then Luz says: We may not talk about what I said before Ok, I don't feel comfortable talking about - and everyone agrees.

Cintia asks Luz to rest and then I left the Owl House with everyone looking at her and she asks with an innocent face:

What ? said Cintia.

We have never seen Luz like this, could you explain to us what just happened? - Question Eda.

For the training of Luz I made her take the image of someone she hates, and that she would kill in cold blood and play crying, but with a smile on her face - everyone was impressed with this fact, I made her take the image of someone she she wanted revenge, someone she has been hating for a long time almost the time of our friendship - said Cintia.

I know this is a delicate question, plus what he did - said Lilith.

Cintia sighed and started laughing wildly with a psychopathic laugh, and she says - What did he do? What did he do !? What he did was create a war for a silly reason that killed so many people, me and Luz lost our friends there, people we considered family - says Cinta crying - We almost died there, I wonder how we survived there - says Cintia restraining herself and continues - why do you think I'm cold? Because I wanted to ? Or why did I see my friends dying in front of the Light and the mother of the Light !? Let the Light know I'm leaving and tomorrow we will continue - says Cintia leaving.

She leaves leaving everyone with horror and pity for what she said.

Author's notes: What chapter, isn't it? Every moment we see more of Luz and Cintia's past, in the next episode I come up with something new and different, and if you can vote for the episodes, I would appreciate it, and I would love for you to comment on things like, constructive criticism, opinions, theories, things like that, and I I don't own The Owl House but Dana Terrece , sorry for the delay my internet had stopped and i had to go to the doctor and the good thing about not having posted yesterday that I can spend more time writing episodes ,  I hope you liked it thanks for reading :)

Sorry if it got bad, I tried :)

Sorry if it got bad, I tried :)

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