Chapter Nineteen

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Lincolns arms were strapped on either side of him, chains wrapping around his wrists. Clarke climbed up the ladder and set a yellow box beside the metal ladder. I stepped forward to hug my sister, but Lincoln lunged forward. Bellamy grabbed my arm before I could get any further. "It's okay," he said, "He's been restrained." My sister glanced at him and nodded slightly, she walked over to me and gave me a quick hug. "I can't believe we're back here," Clarke said, looking around. Octavia stood up from where she sat, walking over to stand by my side. "Can you help him?" Octavia questioned, looking at Clarke.

"I don't know," Clarke said as she shook her head. Lincoln growled at the four of us, gritting his teeth. Clarke stepped forward to look at Lincoln a little more. "Clarke," I said, softly. I put my hand out, my sister turned her head and gave me a reassuring smile. "She'll be fine," Bellamy said, setting hand on my shoulder. "I knew Mount Weather controlled the Reapers," Clarke said as she stepped forward but jumped back once Lincoln lunged forward again. "But you had no idea they were creating them," I finished. Lincoln hissed, clenching his teeth. A small groan of disgust came from the Grounders mouth. Lincoln's once brown eyes were blood red, his iris' were pitch black. My heart ached to see Lincoln in the position he was.

"If they can do that to Lincoln, what are they doing to our friends?" Bellamy said, looking back at Clarke. I waved my flashlight in front of Lincoln's wounded face, he turned his head to the side and shut his eyes. He let out a low growling sound as he shook his head around. My friends and I noticed that he was shaking uncontrollably. Octavia whipped her head towards Clarke with a look of concern.

"He's convulsing," Clarke said. Octavia furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "So, what does it mean?" she inquired, running her hands through her hair. "What happened to his leg and shoulder?" Clarke asked and pointed to Lincoln's leg. "I shot him," O answered. My sister turned around to look at her, she gave her a shocked expression. "Clarke," I spoke, "He's lost a lot of blood." She glanced at me then looked at our struggling friend.

"Can you shine the light on his neck?" Clarke asked.

I nodded and did as she ordered me to do, Lincoln tilted his head to the left which blocked his face from the bright light. I furrowed my eyebrows once more as I saw an imprint on the left side of his neck. "Needle marks," Clarke muttered and stepped forward, but Lincoln lunged forward every time. "You think he's been drugged?" Bellamy said. "Maybe," Clarke replied. I turned to look at my sister to see expression. The loud sound of metal falling to the floor stopped me from pulling my sister away. He grabbed ahold of Clarke's arm, grasping her hair/

"Lincoln!" Octavia yelled. She ran forward to take Lincoln's hand into hers, but he swiftly threw her to the side. I rushed over to my backpack to grab my gun. I ran over Lincoln, grabbing my sisters hand. Her hand gripped onto mine as I hit Lincoln's wrist with the butt of my gun. He was preoccupied with trying to free his other wrist that was trapped. The second round of metal falling made me whip my head towards the sound. Lincoln looked into my eyes before punching me in my stomach. My hand slipped through Clarke's as I fell to the floor, coughing uncontrollably. I laid on my side while I tried to catch a breath. I looked to my right and saw my gun laying on the other side of the room. Without hesitation, Bellamy ran forward and tried to free Clarke from Lincoln's grasp. Lincoln hit Bells head with his which caused mu sister to be free. 

I rushed over to my sister's aid and helped her up from the ground, but was soon dragged by Lincoln. I grabbed my dagger from my left pocket and Lincoln in the head with the handle. He reached back, yanking the knife from me. Before I could react, I felt the blade run across the side of my shoulder. Bellamy soon appeared by my side to help me and my sister. Lincoln was able to free himself from the chains that were wrapped around his ankles. Clarke and I were freed from his clutches, but Lincoln soon got ahold of Bellamy. Octavia ran over and helped my sister and I up from the floor. I looked to my left and saw Lincoln punching Bellamy repeatedly.

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