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I finished unpacking my stuff when I hear a knock on my door.
Ryleigh:"Come in!"
Zach:"Hey little sis,how do you like LA so far?"
Ryleigh:"I love it." My mom and dad wanted to move here to LA so we could be closer to Zach.
Zach:"I just stopped by to say hey."
Ryleigh:"Ok bye Z."
Zach:"Bye." He walked out and I walked downstairs to see the rest of my family.
Ryan:"There's the sister that looks like me."
Ryleigh:"Mom,can we give him up for adoption?"
Myta:"No,sorry Ry." I sit on the couch and go on my phone. I see that I got a DM from Corbyn,one of Zach's best friends/bandmates.
Corbyn:Zach told us you moved to LA.
Corbyn:Awsome!! You should come over later.
Ryleigh:I probably will anyway Zach will make me.
Corbyn:Cool see you then.

Ok so Corbyn is my favorite out of the boys and I also like him. We get along great and we're pretty close. No one knows I like him and I hope it stays that way considering I know we will never be together. Why? Well he's 22 and I'm 16 there's a 7 year age difference and he could go to jail. He's also like a brother to Zach if that tells you how close they are so it just won't work out sadly.

Zach left a little bit ago to go say hello to his family and help them unpack a bit. He told us they moved here to be closer to him and I was really happy. See Zach has a 16 year old sister,her name is Ryleigh and she's Ryan's twin,she's my girl best friend. I invited her over and she said she would be here anyway because of Zach, Here's where it gets crazy. I like her as in a romantic way. Zach so wouldn't approve even if she was older and plus it would be illegal and I could go to jail and I don't want that so I keep my feelings to myself.
Daniel:"What ya thinking about?"
Jack:"Then you wouldn't be smiling like a dork." I relized I was smiling and stopped. I must think about her a lot.
Jonah:"Probably thinking about a girl."
Corbyn:"How did you know?"
Jonah:"Didn't until now." He said sitting beside me on the couch.
Corbyn:"I hate you guys." I said getting up and walking to my room. Today is going to be a long day.

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