Immortal Suffering

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If ye can, or want too- try to imagine dis Exe in a more Sonic X style, like in the animations which I am going off of. This will change later on as the story progresses.

Anyway- enjoy :p


I was walking back home after running a small grocery errand, to get more of my favorite chips/chocolate since I was running low.

And being low on actual healthy food too, I finally stopped being lazy and went out to do what had to be done.

I lived in a decent small city, surrounded by trees, leading into the woods, with snow covered mountains behind said woods.

And nearby there was the extraordinary floating islands off in the nearby distance, that being Angel Island.

It was pretty peaceful, and beautiful landscape if I have to say so myself. Despite it being god's forsakenly boring somedays... Not too much goes on here.

Asides a certain man with a love of robots coming here and stirring up trouble, but he's not much of a threat with famous known hero Sonic, and his buds around.

Not some thing I get myself into, I prefer living a more normal life, than having my life in the risk of danger.

And with that, I continued down the tree covered, soft, solid dirt path back to the neighborhood I lived.

Well... Until, I heard a nearby pain filled cry in the woods. It.... didn't sound like a normal cry, not at all.

It actually sounded more like a demonic scream than a cry. Either way, what ever it was, it was in major pain.

Quickly tieing my small bag of groceries on my forearm, I followed where I heard the cry from.

Finding, and saving a life was a bit more important than food that could wait for a few moments, in my personal opinion.

Looking around carefully at any noticable differences in the environment, I haven't yet found what the source the cry was as of yet.

To answer the convent silence, and put me back on track. I heard the cry again, but this time, it sounded much closer.

Walking a bit more in the direction I heard the cry come from, I soon came up upon what looked to be a small crater.

Did... did whatever this creature, or person is fall from the sky? Or space? I asked myself, before continuing on.

Hearing a pained groan, and hiss. I knew I found whatever was in pain. Slowly, I sneaked to the edge of the crater, to see what exactly I was going to be dealing in.

Reaching the edge, I peeking down in the crater too see what everyone would say, Sonic The Hedgehog.

But with a massive bloody hole, all the way through his chest, and stomach, and more than just broken bones. The real kicker was that he, is still, breathing.

I knew for a single fact that if this was the real Sonic. He wouldn't be alive, nor breathing at this very moment.

I don't believe anything, or one could survive from a wound like that, or have all their bones broken.

So, this... Creature... Resembling Sonic The Hedgehog, was clearly no normal, mobian, such as myself, or anyone else. (You're a mobian of your choice in this-)

But yet, despite whatever he is, and all the red flags he is signaling in my brain... He was in pain, and my soft, caring heart was screaming at me to help him.

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