Chapter 1

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Based before the Miraculous New York trip.

Marinette pov 

Let's start from the day my whole life fell apart, shall we. 

I couldn't get any sleep last night. I kept on getting this bad feeling washed over me every time I closed my eyes. My parents were even surprised to see me leave for school early for the first time.

As I was walking to school, I noticed the bad feeling I had all night gotten worse the closer I got to school. I kept trying to push the negative feelings away, but I just couldn't. I am so distracted and lost in my own thoughts that I don't even notice Adrien rushing up to me and saying hi until he shakes my shoulders to get my attention. When I looked up at him, he looked worried. "Sorry, Adrien, I was lost in my thoughts. Good morning, " I told him with a smile. Lately, I have been able to talk to Adrien without stuttering or making a complete fool of myself in front of him. I realized that if I want him to like me for who I really am, I have to be myself and use some of my own ladybug confidence.

We walked the rest of the way to our class together, talking about Adrien new perfume ad that was released last week. When we walked into class, I felt everyone eyes on me and Chloe looking like she was ready to slap Alya. When I looked towards the back of the class, I saw everyone crowded over something or more like someone. When everyone noticed me walk in, they gave me cold glares and looks of anger and rage. I wondered what happened, and I could feel Adrien back up a bit from all the sudden negative emotions in our once happy positive class. 

Alya came up to me and pulled Adrien away from me and pushed him towards Nino. Then she looked at me with disgust, and all I could think was what the heck was going on. Has everyone gone mad, or did someone get akumised this morning and running around Paris, fulling people with rage. It wouldn't be the first time it's happened. Just as I was gonna ask what's wrong and what happened, Alya grabbed my hair and pulled at it, making me release a scream of pure pain. 

I quickly took action and kicked her towards the teachers desk, where she ended up on the ground with the amount of force I used to get her away from me. Nathaniel came over and checked on me while Nino, Alex, and Kim went over to check on Alya. Everyone else just looked at me in shock at what I had just done, I know that everybody has me painted as the weak, clumsy girl in class, but I guess I just proved them otherwise. It was like this for a while until miss Bustier came into class and told everyone to sit in their seats. I went and sat with Nathaniel while Nino went and sat with Alya. The rest of the class, except for Chloe, continued to send cruel glares at me.

When lunchtime came, I was surprised to see Chloe grab me and Nathaniel arms and drag us to the cleaning equipment closet. When she looked outside the hall to see if anyone had followed us and saw no one else, she locked the door. When she looked at me, then to Nathaniel, then back to me, and then Nathaniel again, but this time she asked Nathaniel if I knew. I was confused at first about what they were talking about. Then I started to panic what if they found out I was ladybug or that I was the famous fashion designer Lady Red ( Marinette became a famous fashion designer through Jagged Stone and Clara Nightingale. Now, she does commission all around the world for different people. ) but my panic disappears when I hear the next few words Nathaniel says. “Is Lila telling the truth, did... Did you really beat her up, Marinette?”

“Of course not. That can't be true. Marinette wouldn't even hurt a fly. Lila is definitely lying. I mean, have you not listened to Marinette for the past two years she's been pointing out all of Lila's. I mean, my father's the Mayor of Paris, even he can see what a liar Lila truly is.

I was so shocked everything came flowing to mind so quickly that I didn't even bother to listen to the rest of Chloe's ranting. I had to get out here fast fix what Lila's done and get all my friends back because if I don't there gonna be a lot of Akumatized people running around Paris and Chat noir and I won't be able to fight them all off. Plus, Chat Noir hasn't been showing up for missions lately, and he keeps ghosting out on me. I have to fight alone for the last few akuma attacks for these past three months alone, or I would give the miraculouses to the other chosen ones. Meaning Kagami and Luka mostly.

Just as I was about to leave, Chloe grabbed my hand and said “and where do you think you're going. Lila already spread her lies everywhere like a plaig. If you go out there now, you only make it worse. You didn't hear what Lila said about you this morning. The whole class believes her sob story of lies, even Alya and Nino. They just stand for Lila, not you. You'll get Akumatized, and you will be broken up about this too much that you might not even be able to pick yourself up again”

“That's where you're wrong, Chloe.” I say with a sly smile on my face “I am not as weak as you think. If everyone turns against me fine by me, i'll just have to move on with my life. The fact that I know I tried to at least show them the truth is that it really matters to me.” and with those words being said, I unlocked the door and went straight to the cafeteria to try and fix what Lila has broken and take back what I have built. I noticed Nathaniel and Chloe following close behind to keep an eye on me, I guess, but at least they know the truth right. At least they haven't fallen into the webs of lies and deceit Lila has created around everyone.

Little did I'd know is that my whole life was about to fall apart in that cafeteria, and over the next six months, my life was completely destroyed.. I had only my five true friends left to fight by side and not follow to blind lies.

After Hawkmoth was defeated in a brutal attack with Chat noir turning rogue on us we saw no point in staying in Paris any longer so we hoped on a a plane leaving Paris and never looking back to the world we once called comfort.

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