Chapter 1

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It has been 3 months since Vixx's comeback of "Voodoo Doll". The members awoke to Cha Hakyeon shouting for everyone to wake up. It was about 8.00am and Hakyeon burst into each member's room. The first to suffer Hakyeon's wrath was Kim Wonshik.

"Ravi-ah" Hakyeon shouted "Time to get up".

Wonshik showed no signs of movement, other than rolling onto his side to face the wall.

Hakyeon stood for a moment and then jumped onto the snoring lump.

"Aagh" Wonshik yelled.

"I said get up" Hakyeon rose up and gently kicked him.

"Okay, fine" Wonshik said grumpily while sitting up.

"We'll be in the living room" Hakyeon informed Wonshik whilst leaving the room to see if everyone else was awake.

To his suprise, Han Sanhyuk and Lee Hongbin were in the corridor looking shocked.

"Is Ravi-hyung okay? We heard him yelling" asked the maknae looking worried.

"He's fine" smiled Hakyeon and he gestured the two towards the living room.

As the three entered the room, Wonshik was on the sofa not looking too impressed with Hakyeon. Taekwoon was in the kitchen finishing making himself a cup of coffee which he brought with him as he sat in an arm chair by the window, like he usually did. Hongbin and Hyuk sat with Wonshik on the sofa while Hakyeon stood in front of the sleepy members.

"Where is Ken?" He asked to no-one in particular.

"" mumbled a dozy Lee Jaehwan who entered while rubbing his eye. He made his way to a smaller arm chair across the room and slumped into it, trying not to fall asleep.

Taekwoon watched as Jaehwan fell sleepily into the chair. It always made him smile seeing the sleepy boy in the morning, he couldn't help but find him cute...

"Oh, My,God! Leo-hyung is smiling!" Hyuk pointed out causing the others to switch their gaze from Hakyeon to Taekwoon.

Taekwoon looked startled and blushed a little before covering his mouth with the coffee mug as he took a sip.

"Guys! I have an important announcement" Hakyeon waved his hands in front of Hongbin, Hyuk and Wonshik who were staring intently at Taekwoon in awe.

"But..." Hongbin pointed towards Taekwoon.

"No buts, just listen" Hakyeon smiled and stood back.

"It's time for a new concept!" He clapped his hands together.

"Wha-really?" asked Wonshik sitting up in anticipation.

"Yes! And i've planned out the choreography too" Hakyeon jumped up and down in excitement.

"But, hyung, we don't have a song" Hyuk raised his hand.

"No need to worry, Ravi-ah can write one" Hakyeon sat himself next to Wonshik and put his arm around him.

"Well sure, but it'll take some time" Wonshik replied.

"We'll have to wait until we have a song first" Hongbin added "You know, before we can practice the dance".

"I guess you're right" sighed hakyeon.

Taekwoon wasn't listening. He stared out the window, lost in his thoughts. He looked back at the other members and noticed that the four of them were talking about something but he couldn't make out what they were saying. Instead he focused on Jaehwan who was clearly asleep on the arm chair. He smiled to himself subtly to make sure the others wouldn't notice. Taekwoon didn't like smiling in front of the others, if anything he'd only smile in front of Jaehwan. Jaehwan made him feel relaxed and calm whenever he was near him.

"Leo? Do you have anything to say?" Hakyeon asked, which startled Taekwoon slightly. He shook his head and headed into the kitchen to wash up.

"Well then! While we wait for a song, how about we practice the dance anyway?" Cheered Hakyeon with a wide grin spread across his face. His loud voice spooked Jaehwan into consciousness causing him to hit his head on the back of his chair in the process.

"Aagh! N, do you have to be so loud?" Jaehwan moaned while rubbing the back of his head.

"You shouldn't have been sleeping!" argued Hakyeon as he comfronted Jaehwan.

Taekwoon turned around to see Hakyeon having a go at Jaehwan. He put his cup on the side and rushed over to Hakyeon, placing a firm grip on his shoulder.


"Leave.Him.Alone" Taekwoon stared at Hakyeon sternly with piercing eyes.

Jaehwan stared up at Taekwoon, he'd never seen Taekwoon look so serious before. Sure he's always had that look about him but the stare he was giving Hakyeon now was....scary. It scared Jaehwan. He felt he had to say something.

"Leo. It's okay. N was only scolding me because i was sleeping when i should've been awake." Jaehwan reached out and held onto Taekwoon's arm.

Taekwoon faced Jaehwan and his eyes instantly softened. He said nothing as he let go of Hakyeon.

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