Chapter 2

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Taekwoon looked Jaehwan in the eyes as he let go of Hakyeon. The room was quiet with all eyes on the silent Taekwoon. He felt as though he was going to crack, the pressure building up inside him as the members stared at him, they made him feel uncomfortable, his eyes now focused on the floor and darted around the area by his feet.

"Hyung, are you okay?" Hyuk walked up to Taekwoon and placed a hand on him.

Taekwoon shrugged his hand away and turned to leave the room resulting in everyone else being left confused and worried. Jaehwan stood up and followed Taekwoon, he saw him head out the Dorm and followed him out the building.

Taekwoon was walking down the road, hands in his pockets. He needed to get out, get some air. How can he pretend to be invisible around everyone if he makes himself noticable like that? He shook his head and carried on walking, he would head back soon once he felt comfortable that everyone had forgot about it. It's true that he was beginning to feel comfortable around the others but to burst out like he did was a big jump for him. It made him feel uncomfortable again. Taekwoon stopped as he felt a presence behind him, he turned around to see Jaehwan stood a few steps from him, his face red, he must have ran all the way from the dorm building.

"L-Leo..." panted Jaehwan, his asthma made his breath scatter, the early morning chill wasn't helping either, the cold was making his breathing raspy. He made his way slowly towards Taekwoon but the run and his asthma made his balance disoriented.

Taekwoon's eyes widened and he hurried over to Jaehwan to help him balance, he held him close as Jaehwan focused on getting his breath back. The boy started coughing and Taekwoon held him tighter to make sure he wouldn't fall.

"What are you doing coming out when you know the cold doesn't help your asthma?!" scolded Taekwoon.

Jaehwan looked up to Taekwoon with a red face that was slowly fading as his breathing eased.

"Why did you run off?" he asked avoiding his question. He slowly pushed himself away from Taekwoon and leant on the wall next to them.

"I.....just wanted to get out" mumbled Taekwoon , avoiding Jaehwan's gaze.

Jaehwan made his way back to Taekwoon, trying to read his face but couldn't as Taekwoon's black hair covered his eyes. Eventually Taekwoon looked back to Jaehwan, a flashback of Jaehwan's scared face came into Taekwoon's mind. His eyes widened slightly before he closed them tightly and tilted his head down to the ground once more, why couldn't he get the image out of his head? He cared for Jaehwan and never wanted to see him without a smile, but that day he scared Jaehwan , and now he was cursed with seeing the fright in Jaehwan's eyes whenever he saw him. He couldn't look him in the eye without having his heart sink.

"Leo..." Jaehwan sounded concerned and reached out to hold onto Taekwoon's shoulder.

"Im sorry" Taekwoon bowed his head and darted back down the street leaving Jaehwan behind. He couldn't face up to him, he just couldn't. It broke his heart having to run from him, but what else could he do?

He scared the one he loved.

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