Chapter 23

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The first day without Taekwoon was met with Hakyeon waking everyone up for early morning practice.
As usual, Wonshik was the first to suffer Hakyeon's wrath.
Hakyeon decided to wake up early to plan a way of waking up each member.
For Wonshik, Hakyeon prepared a bucket of water. He snuck into Wonshik's room quietly and knealt by the sleeping rapper, this is when he slowly lifted the bucket and then poured the water all over Wonshik, who awoke screaming/ yelling cusses.

"Ya! What the F--?!" he yelled at Hakyeon who was trying to contain his laughter.
"Aish~" Wonshik breathed out a tempered sigh.
"Come on Ravi, time to get ready" Hakyeon explained through giggles.
"yeah yeah" Wonshik shook his head to get most of the water out of his head. "I'll be out in a minute". He then waved his hand at Hakyeon, gesturing him to leave.
"Don't take too long" Hakyeon smiled and proceeded to leave the room.

Closing the door to Wonshik's room, Hakyeon went to the room next door to wake up the next sleeping member. He knocked on the door.

"Hongbinnie? You awake?" he asked as he waited for an answer.
Movement could be heard from the other side of the door before Hongbin answered.
"Morning Hyung" Hongbin yawned.
"Morning Binnie, we have practice this morning. " Hakyeon informed his sleepy dongsaeng.
"Mhm, okay, i'll wake up Hyuk" Hongbin nodded.
"Okay, meet us in the living room, Ravi should be in there soon, I just gotta see Ken"
and with that, Hakyeon left Hongbin to head towards Jaehwan's room.

Walking a little way down the hall, Hakyeon approached Jaehwan's room.

Hakyeon smiled to himself before knocking on the door.
"Ken? You awake?" he asked sweetly, yet...the sweet tone seemed pushed.
No answer.
Hakyeon knocked again.
More silence.
Hakyeon sighed and then opened the door slowly, peering in and saw a sleeping Jaehwan.

He eyes trailed over Jaehwan's sleeping body sprawled out on his bed.
Hakyeon closed the door quietly behind him before walking over as carefully as he could without making a sound.
The early morning sunlight was seeping through the curtains, leading a trail of light across the bed, illuminating Jaehwan's face.
Hakyeon got closer and climbed onto the bed, hovering over Jaehwan.
A smirk made its way across Hakyeon's face as he admired his dongsaeng below him.
Jaehwan's skin was lit up by the trickle of sunlight, making him glow.
Hakyeon tilted his head, viewing Jaehwan from different angles, before...temptation got the better of him.
His hand ventured underneath Jaehwan's shirt and started to trail its way up, from the centre of his stomach to his chest, his fingers caressing the soft outline of Jaehwan's abs along the way.

That was when Jaehwan started to move. Hakyeon remained how he was. 
Jaehwan tossed and turned his head before moving his arms to rub his eyes.
"Mmff" he moaned into a yawn.
Hakyeon continued to trail lines across Jaehwan's chest.
"Huh?......What the..." Jaehwan asked sleeping, still not fully conscious.
The two locked eyes.
Hakyeon's smirk grew bigger , then Jaehwan realised what was happening, his eyes widened In horror as he begun to prise Hakyeon off of him.
"Ya! Hyung! What are you doing?!" he practically shouted, flailing his arms, trying to push Hakyeon off.
It failed.
Hakyeon removed his hands from his chest and instead grabbed onto Jaehwan's wrists, pinning them above his head.
"H-hyung.?" Jaehwan whimpered, trying to free himself from Hakyeon's tight grip, but to no prevail.
Hakyeon began to lean in closer to Jaehwan's face, licked his lips.
"You. Will be mine"

Knock Knock
"Ken? You in there? You okay?" Wonshik's voice could be heard from behind the door.
Hakyeon sighed in anger and reluctantly let go of Jaehwan and proceeded to get off him. Jaehwan, who had tears forming and spilling from his eyes, sat up immediately and covered himself with his duvet.
He looked at Hakyeon who was now glaring at him as if to say "Be careful about what you say".
Jaehwan wiped his tears and shakily answered.
"Yeah.....I'm....I'm okay".
"You sure? It's just, I heard you shouting" Wonshik sounded concerned.
"Yeah, I was just..." Jaehwan looked over at Hakyeon who was still intensely glaring at him. "I just had a bad dream".
"Okay then....Well, N wants us to meet up in the living room, for you know, briefing of some kind before practice." Wonshik informed him.
"Okay, i'll be out in a bit" Jaehwan concluded the conversation.
"Oh by the way, have you seen N? I don't know where he got to?"
Jaehwan's heart beat rose, his body temperature started to go down, he felt sick. He knew Hakyeon was looking at him curiously to see what he'd say, Jaehwan focused on his feet, he dared not look up.
"No, I haven't...." He answered, barely a mumble.
"Okay, well I'll see him in a bit" Wonshik's footsteps could be heard leaving the door.
They were left alone again.

Hakyeon started to laugh. 
"I'm surprised you didn't run out as soon as I got off you"
Jaehwan continued to stare at the ground before replying.
"Ravi's looking for you" he mumbled.
"So?" Hakyeon asked and tilted his head.
"You should leave" Jaehwan looked up and made eye contact with Hakyeon, to which, Hakyeon did not like, he glared back and strode over towards Jaehwan once more, grabbing his hair pulling his head back.
"Listen here. I give the orders around here, not you. Understand?"Hakyeon tugged roughly as he said the last word.
Jaehwan held his tears and nodded, resulting in Hakyeon releasing his grip to which he then chuckled.
"See you in a bit" Hakyeon said as he exited the room, leaving Jaehwan in silence.

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