Chapter 5

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"Places everyone" Hakyeon was at the front of the group formation.

"Ravi-ah, did you bring the music?" He asked Wonshik.

"Yeah just the instrumental though, I gotta finish the lyrics and then have us sing our parts" Wonshik smiled.

"At least we have music" Hakyeon praised Wonshik and put the CD in the player.

"I still think we're rushing this a bit" Jaehwan mumbled.

"How so?" Asked Hakyeon.

"Well, you only said this morning that we should do a new concept and now we're here hours later, in the studio, practicing a dance. It feels rushed" Jaehwan stood up and left the dance room.

"Where are you going?" Hongbin asked getting up to follow Jaehwan.

Jaehwan stayed silent and left the room shutting the door behind him.

He saw an empty song room and unlocked the door. The room was small but big enough to move around in, there was a narrow mirror nailed to the wall opposite the door and a desk with a chair just to the right. This space is obviously used for lyric writing and working on image, hence the mirror. Jaehwan pulled out the chair and sat down.

Jaehwan looked around the room and saw a crumpled up piece of paper by the bin, he tutted and picked it up to throw in the bin when he saw that there was something written on the paper. He opened it up and read what was written;

"I had a scary and bad nightmare, you left me forever"

Jeahwan was confused.

Who wrote this? Was it Wonshik? He said he was finishing the lyrics to the new song, it'd make sense for Wonshik to write something like this.

As Jaehwan studied the words more he noticed something, it wasn't Wonshik's handwriting.

Wonshik didn't write this.

Jaehwan looked around the room for clues. Then he remembered, there were six private rooms like this in the studio, one for each member. He stood up and started to investigate, he'd find out who wrote it by finding out who's room this was. It wasn't his that's for sure.


Taekwoon entered the studio building as quietly as he could, he was positive the others would be in the dance room seeing how Hakyeon was determined to teach the others the choreography he came up with. He walked past the dance room and saw four members practicing. Where was Jaehwan? Probably out buying bubbles or something. Taekwoon smiled to himself as he thought about Jaehwan blowing bubbles all over the place. He turned off towards his private room and saw Jaehwan ducking around inside.

What was he doing?

Then he remembered. What if Jaehwan found his note?

Panic went through Taekwoon's body as he continued to watch Jaehwan search his room. He had to do something, there's a chance he hasn't found the note yet, Hell! He wouldn't know the note was about him, plus he can disguise it, think of a cover up, that's right, he could say he was thinking about a girl.....

Taekwoon opened the door.

Jaehwan spun around in alarm, and froze.

They both locked eyes.

Jaehwan had to stop himself from running up to Taekwoon in excitement, he was so happy to see him , it'd only been a few hours but he was still worried. He gave in and a smile made its way onto his face, but his cheek twitched slightly as it still stung slightly, he reduced his smile a bit to stop the stinging.

"Leo......" Jaehwan made his way towards Taekwoon, still smiling.

"K.....Ken....." Taekwoon stood still in the doorway. "What are you doing in here?"

"I needed some space from the others......" Jaehwan looked away and clutched the note behind his back.

"Why? What happened?" Taekwoon approached Jaehwan.

"Just......oh it's nothing" Jaehwan beamed and smiled, he smiled to quickly and his cheek ached. He raised his hand to comfort his cheek.

"Ken?" Taekwoon grew concerned and inspected Jaehwan's face. He saw a faint mark where Hakyeon had hit Jaehwan earlier. His facial expression dropped and his eyes filled with hatred.

"What happened?" Taekwoon asked again , but more sternly.

"I told you, it's nothing" Jaehwan moved Taekwoon's hand from his face, he couldn't tell him what happened, he'd go beserk.

Taekwoon moved back and breathed out slowly.

"Was it N?"

Jaehwan's body stiffened, giving Taekwoon the answer.

"That son of a-" Taekwoon punched the woodwork frame of the door, before storming out towards the dance room.

"Leo!!!" Jaehwan called out after him. 

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