Chapter 16

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The members continued to read through the lyrics Wonshik wrote.

Hakyeon continued to praise and every so often put his arm around Wonshik's shoulders, making the rapper blush slightly.

Sanghyuk and Hongbin exchanged glances as they saw this but ignored it and went back to scanning the lyrics.

"So, have you assigned parts?" Hongbin asked.

Wonshik pushed Hakyeon away lightly.

"I have an idea about who has what part, but we'll go through it properly tomorrow." He then stood up. "For now we should get some rest, tomorrow's gonna be busy". He smiled and took each members lyrics sheet. "I'll look after these, don't want to lose them".

Taekwoon looked up at Jaehwan and still saw no reaction of any kind before Wonshik stood in front of him and took his sheet and then moved on and took Jaehwan's , Sanghyuk's , Hongbin's and Hakyeon's.

"Right then" Hakyeon jumped up. "Lets get off to bed".

Sanghyuk moaned.

"But hyung, I'm not tired...." He pulled a face and rolled onto his back.

"Hyuk......It's 11.00PM. You are not staying up again" Hakyeon scolded. "And just to be sure you won't stay up..." Hakyeon then moved to the corner of the living room towards a small box and pulled out a wire.

"NO!!!! WI-FI!!!!" Sanghyuk shouted and covered his face.

"I know you stay up late Hyukie, I can hear you laughing at 2.00AM." Hakyeon folded his arms. "So by unplugging the wi-fi I KNOW you won't be up" He then smirked.

The maknae continued to whine.

"But.......Naruto needs me!"

"He's fictional!" Hakyeon argued.

Taekwoon rolled his eyes and stood up. He made his way to the kitchen and poured himself a glass of water and took it with him to his room.

Jaehwan turned around and saw Taekwoon head down the small corridor.

"Night Leo" He smiled.

Taekwoon froze, but turned around slowly. He saw Jaehwan smile at him and gave a small smile back before continuing down the hall.

He approached his bedroom door and opened it quickly and as he closed it he put his glass down on the bedside table before falling onto his bed. Staring at the ceiling, he thought to himself... least he may have forgot about finding the paper in my practice room....He sat up and rested his arms on his knees as he let his head fall into his hands.

Who am I kidding?

He then fell back to look at the ceiling again.

I guess....well...he doesn't know those lyrics are about him...but also....I did confess to him in the hospital...

He slapped both his hands onto his face.

Taekwoon never was very good with expressing feelings, especially feelings involving another person, but somehow...he managed to confess to Jaehwan, God knows how he did it....but he did. His mind went back through the memories of that day.

"I love you Lee Jaehwan"

That's when he remembered. Jaehwan didn't reply to his confession.

Taekwoon lay still staring at the ceiling. How could he be so stupid to not know Jaehwan didn't reply. Rage built up inside him. How could he be so stupid to confess to someone who doesn't feel the same way?

He sat up in anger and his eyes glanced over a rosary on his desk. It glittered as the moonlight shone through his curtains. He picked it up and held it loosly in his hands. It was the rosary his mother gave him when he was training in Jellyfish.

"When you look at this rosary, think of me, and everything will be okay. You don't need to worry about anything, just close your eyes and breathe."

Taekwoon's mother's voice rung through his head as he looked at the rosary in his hands. He thought back to the times when he was training and how hard it was for him. There were times where he would clutch onto the piece of jewellry each night when things got tough. It comforted him though.

He closed his eyes, tightened his grip on the rosary and breathed calmly and thought to himself;

It's okay....maybe I can make these feelings go away.

Taekwoon fell asleep holding the rosary close to his chest.


It was around 2.00AM when Jaehwan woke up. He could hear muffled speech and sobs coming from the room next to him. Confused, he got up to investigate.

He opened his door and walked out into the dark hallway. The only rooms next to him were Hakyeon's and Taekwoon's. He listened outside Hakyeon's door but heard nothing. But the sobbing was still going.


He then walked over to Taekwoon's bedroom and listened outside the door. The speech and sobbing was coming from inside.

Shocked, Jaehwan quietly knocked on the door.

" okay?" He asked.

The sobbing continued, but there was no reply otherwise.

Concerned, Jaehwan quietly opened the door and entered the room. The moonlight shone through the gap in Taekwoon's curtains and left a stream of light on his bed where he was curled on his side clutching something.

Jaehwan slowly made his way over and crouched by Taekwoon's bed. Taekwoon was facing Jaehwan, his face appeared wet around his eyes, he'd been crying. Jaehwan tilted his head and looked at what Taekwoon was holding. It looked like a piece of jewellry.

"....M-mum...." Taekwoon mumbled in his sleep.

Jaehwan jumped slightly and smiled.

Taekwoon shuffled a bit and his arm stretched out towards Jaehwan. Tears started rolling down his cheeks.

"H-he........doesn't......" Taekwoon's voice became muffled and quiet.

Jaehwan looked at Taekwoon's limp hand and held it in his own hands, as if to comfort the subconcious Leo.

"Who's he?" Jaehwan asked him.

Jaehwan liked talking to people in their sleep, he would occasionally find it amusing.

Taekwoon's response was a muffled "Ken".

Jaehwan smiled, and tried not to laugh.

"He.........doesn't...." Taekwoon's voice was barely a whisper as more tears made their way down his face.

Jaehwan saw the tears and his laughter was imediately supressed. Taekwoon was clearly very upset about something. He wasn't sure whether to ask, but a piece of him wants to help Taekwoon, what ever his problem may be.

"Ken doesn't what?" Jaehwan asked gently.

Taekwoon's tears fell more and more. Jaehwan was worried Hakyeon might wake up. He tried to calm Taekwoon by stroking his hand.

"It's okay" He whispered. "You can tell me". He chuckled, "Just calm down, you'll wake up your dad".  Jaehwan found it amusing pretending to be Taekwoon's mother, but he had to calm him down somehow.

Taekwoon's tears slowly stopped flowing and his breathing calmed down.

"Ken doesn' me" Taekwoon whispered.

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