Chapter 19

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Taekwoon looked towards his manager.

"One week Taekwoon."

The manager got out the car and left Taekwoon to his thoughts. Just then Jaehwan approached the van and saw Taekwoon was sat alone, he leant against the open door.

"Leo........are you okay?"

Taekwoon remained motionless, his face expressionless.

"Can I come in?"

Taekwoon scooted over slightly, still remaining silent the whole time, and Jaehwan slid in beside him looking at him with concern.

"Hey..." he said quietly placing a hand on his arm, "You can talk to me, I'll listen".

Taekwoon turned to face Jaehwan and smiled.

"It's nothing Ken, don't worry."

Jaehwan pulled a face.

"It doesn't look like it Leo, I never seen Manager-nim act so serious before, what did he say?" Jaehwan asked and moved closer before shutting the passenger side door that was still open beforehand.

Taekwoon sighed and flopped his head back onto the car-seat head rest and chuckled to himself. Jaehwan looked confused.

"What's so funny?"

"Do you ever wonder about me Ken?" Taekwoon asked, cutting Jaehwan off. Almost as though he ignored Jaehwan's question.

Jaehwan shuffled slightly.

"What do you mean?"

"You know....Do you wonder why I'm like this?" Taekwoon pointed to himself as Jaehwan stayed silent.

"I........I don't understand....." Jaehwan stuttered.

Taekwoon sat upright.

"I'm a mess Ken. One minute I'm fine and the next, I'm......different. know what?" Taekwoon turned to face Jaehwan, they're eyes locked on one anothers. "When I'm around you......I feel at ease. Like I can smile and laugh. I can shine, without you....I feel like a lone star hidden behind a galaxy."

Jaehwan's eyes darted across Taekwoon's face.

"And right now...." Taekwoon continued. "A star is being sucked into a black hole..." Taekwoon broke the eye contact and looked out the window.

"What are you saying Leo..?" Jaehwan asked, barely a whisper.

"I'm leaving Ken." Taekwoon mumbled.

Jaehwan's heart suddenly grew heavy, a lump formed in his throat along with the beginning of tears forming in the corners of his eyes.

This can't be happening. Not again... Jaehwan thought as he felt his heartbeat race, he managed to keep his breathing in control.

"I'm sorry" Taekwoon spoke up, breaking the silence between them.

Jaehwan sat staring at the floor of the car, feeling his fists close up into a ball. He felt his nails dig into the palm of his hands in an attempt to channel his feelings which only made more tears form and eventually fall.

The silence was unbearable. The two never stayed quiet for this long before, the atmosphere was heavy, almost suffocating.

"I've got to go now." Taekwoon opened the passenger side door and started to get out.

"Wait." Jaehwan called after him and grabbed onto his arm, stopping Taekwoon in his tracks.

The older looked back at Jaehwan over his shoulder to see Jaehwan's head bowed, fringe covering his eyes. His grip tightened on Taekwoon's arm, Jaehwan's hand started shaking as emotions began to take over his whole nervous system.

"If you're leaving....then..." Jaehwan wiped his eyes with his free hand. "I'm going with you."

Taekwoon's jaw opened slightly in shock.

"Ken no, what are you-"

"Leo, Please I Don't Want To Be Away From You Again!" Jaehwan yelled as loud as he could, as loud as his vocal cords could let him, even with the sobs breaking through. He couldn't contain his emotions anymore. The tears fell. His hands shook. His stomach knotted. He felt light-headed, sick. His whole body started shaking uncontrollably.

Taekwoon turned himself right around to face Jaehwan once again and held the boy by the shoulders tightly.

"Ken, It's not your mess. It's mine! Don't give up your dream just for a stupid idiot like me."

"How can I continue my dream if you're not here to share it with me!?" Jaehwan yelled back, sobbing between every word or two. He was on the brink of hysterics.

"I can't continue without you Jung Taekwoon" Jaehwan couldn't continue speaking, his throat felt as though it was closing up. He gave up and buried his face in his hands.

Taekwoon loosened his grip and wrapped the younger in a hug, gently rocking him.

"Mianhe Ken.....but.." He sighed. "You're gonna have to."

The harsh truth of reality stabbed Jaehwan in his heart, the tears fell and fell and wouldn't stop. He knew it was the truth. He had to continue without Taekwoon, he just didn't want to hear it. Especially from Taekwoon himself.

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