Chapter 10

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"I love you, Lee Jaehwan"

Those five words ran through Jaehwan's head and caused his heart to flutter.  He felt his shoulder dampen with Taekwoon's tears as he held him tighter. Jaehwan was sat upright and was staring at the space in front of him, when two doctors walked in.

"Is everything alright sir?" one of them asked.

"Y-Yeah....I'm fine, just .... tired" Jaehwan mumbled and put a hand to his head.

Taekwoon moved himself away from Jaehwan and wiped his eyes. He coudn't believe it, Jaehwan is alive... what's more he couldn't believe he confessed. He never thought he'd bring himself to do it. But he did.

The doctors fussed around Jaehwan for a while, checking his blood pressure and heart rates. Taekwoon was sat quietly in his chair until a nurse kindly asked him to leave. He got up, bowed, and glanced at Jaehwan, he was starting to drift asleep but acknowledged Taekwoon by giving a small smile.

Taekwoon left the room and headed towards the waiting area. On his way he passed a small children's ward, he saw a mother and a father sat by their child who was in the bed smiling brightly at them, the father was reading a book while the mother was stroking the child's hair. Taekwoon smiled to himself as he saw the child start to fall asleep, and then he walked on.

Taekwoon approached the waiting area and Hakyeon rushed up to him.

"Leo-ah, i've called Ravi, Hongbin and Hyuk and they're going to come up soon to pick us up, probably some time around 9.00" Hakyeon smiled at him tiredly.

"Okay" Taekwoon yawned.

"Hey! No falling asleep again" Hakyeon pointed to his shoulder "My shoulder went stiff last time because of you" he then started prodding Taekwoon's chest. "I keep telling you to get some more rest".

"Hyung, please... I'm exhausted" Taekwoon brushed Hakyeon's hand away and sat on one of the chairs in the waiting area.

"Okay....but if you're gonna fall asleep, don't lean on me" Hakyeon teased and sat next to Taekwoon anyway.


An hour or so passed and Wonshik entered the hospital.

"Excused me, where is the waiting area?" He asked one of the receptionists who pointed him around a corner.

He turned the corner and saw Taekwoon leaning on Hakyeon's shoulder sleeping and Hakyeon's head was on top of Taekwoon's.

"awwww" Wonshik smiled and took out his phone.


Taekwoon started stirring and woke up.

"Ravi-ah" Taekwoon was shocked to see Wonshik, who was trying not to laugh.

"Leo, you ready to go?" He asked.

Taekwoon was quiet for a while.

"Hang on" Taekwoon got up and headed towards Jaehwan's room.

He asked one of the nurses if it was okay to pop in and say goodbye, the nurse allowed him and he entered. He saw Jaehwan fast asleep in the hospital bed and walked over as quietly as he could and sat on the chair that was next to the bed. As he sat down he gently held Jaehwan's hand.

"Ken.....I'm going now, back to the dorm. I'll see you tomorrow, I may be late because of practice, but I will come" He whispered and gave Jaehwan's hand a small squeeze before getting up from his chair and walking towards the door.

As he neared the door, Taekwoon heard a mumbled "Goodbye" and smiled back at Jaehwan before exiting the room.


Taekwoon made his way towards the waiting area where he saw Hakyeon and Wonshik talking.

"Leo, hurry" Wonshik called.

Taekwoon ran up to them.

"What's wrong?" he asked worridly.

"I just remembered I left Hyukie in the car with Hongbin and Hyukie is eating ice-cream" Wonshik babbled.

"What's wrong with that?" Taekwoon asked with a poker face.

"Last time I let him have ice-cream he shoved it in my face" Wonshik replied not looking to impressed.

"Oh no, Binnie, we must hurry" Hakyeon ran off towards the entrance/ exit of the hospital shortly followed by Wonshik.

Taekwoon sighed and walked after them.


Hakyeon and Wonshik arrived at the car only to be met by Hongbin who lept out the car as soon as he saw them. Hakyeon and Wonshik stopped in their tracks.

"How Could You Leave Him With Me?!" Hongbin ran up to them, ice-cream dripping from his nose.

"Binnie~" Sanghyuk sung while getting out the car also, ice-cream in hand. "You didn't finish your ice-cream"

"Hongbin i'm sorry, I only just remembered he had ice-cream hence why we ran back" Wonshik replied apologetically.

Hakyeon walked over to a giggling Sanghyuk.

"Hyukie, give me the ice-cream" Hakyeon said sternly, holding out his hand.

"No! Get your own" Sanghyuk pouted and moved the ice-cream away from Hakyeon.

"Hyukie..." Hakyeon glared at Sanghyuk.

Sanghyuk felt awkward and a bit nervous now, seeing Hakyeon glare like that was scary. He thought for a bit and handed over his ice-cream.

"Thank you" Hakyeon smiled and then dropped it on the floor.

Sanghyuk was speechless and stared at his melting ice-cream on the tarmac ground.

"That solves that" Hakyeon brushed his hands together. "Right, everyone, in the car. Time to head back."

Wonshik finished apologising to Hongbin and they both walked over to the car. Taekwoon made his way slowly over the car park.

"Leo-ah" Sanghyuk rushed over to Taekwoon. "N ruined my ice-cream!" he pointed to a smirking Hakyeon who was sat in the drivers seat of the car.

Taekwoon just stared blankly at the maknae.

"Leo, do something" Sanghyuk whined.

Taekwoon walked past the maknae and sat in the back passenger seat.

"LEO~" Sanghyuk stomped his foot on the ground pouting.

"Hyuk if you don't get in the car we'll leave without you!" Hakyeon called out the open window while turning on the ignition.

"Ah , no wait for me" Sanghyuk ran up to the car and jumped in.

"Right. Let's go" Hakyeon pressed on the acccelerator and the car started moving.

Taekwoon put his ear phones in and stared out the window.

If only you could've seen this Ken....

He smiled to himself.

You'd probably have offered to buy Hyukie another ice-cream when we got back.

He then let out a small chuckle at the thought.

I'll see you tomorrow Kennie....


Authors note.

Okay I don't usually do AN's but I'd like to say sorry that this was a late update, I'm back in school now so updates may take a while, no more than a week I hope. :/

Anyway, I hope you're enjoying this, it's my first Fanfic so please show your support :3

Also, I watched Vixx Love Equation and the Ice-cream scene in the MV gave me some little inspiration. Hope you like the happy addition to the story, (I don't want it to always be shocking and sad.) :3

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