Chapter 24

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Jaehwan sat on his bed for a while. Going over what just happened in his head."I will have you Ken" Hakyeon's voice rang through Jaehwan's mind.
Jaehwan shook his head, he didn't want to think about that. He wanted to get out, but...he couldn't leave Wonshik and the others and God knows what Hakyeon would do if he found out.
He decided to get changed. He inspected his wardrobe and found a blue thin denim jacket and jeans. He then picked out a loose hoodie and a pair of tracksuits to change into when they started practicing the choreography.
Jaehwan took a deep breath before he opened his bedroom door to meet the others in the living room.
Upon opening the door he saw Wonshik.
"Ah oh, hi Ravi" he stammered.
"Morning hyung, are you okay?" Wonshik asked.
"Y-yeah you just startled me" Jaehwan steadied his breathing.
"Ahh sorry about that" Wonshik chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck.
Jaehwan pushed a smile onto his face in an attempt to stop the tears the building inside. He couldn't leave Wonshik, he was too kind to him. Always seemed to be there whenever Jaehwan felt down, that is, Wonshik was there whenever Taekwoon was not.
"You Okay Ken? Your eyes..." Wonshik reached out to touch Jaehwan's cheek.
Jaehwan gently brushed Wonshik's hand away and then covered his cheek, feeling the damp texture of his skin.
"Are you crying, what's wrong?"
Wonshik put his arm around Jaehwan and guided him back to his room, closing the door behind them and helped him sit down on the bed that was still a sprawl of fabric from when Jaehwan woke up moments ago.
From there, the pair sat quietly for a while before Jaehwan hunched over, head in his hands. His torso started to tremble as he let his tears fall. However, they fell all too quickly. He didn't realise how much he was holding inside, it's almost impossible to stop the stream running down his face. Jaehwan kept his face buried in his hands. He couldn't let his dongsaeng see his face like this, all broken and shattered.

Wonshik seemed to understand. He didn't say anything, just sat there. Holding Jaehwan.
Time seemed to slow down for a while, like someone was refusing to let the hands of the clock move any further.
Jaehwan whipped his tears away and looked up at Wonshik.
"I-i'm sorry Ravi...."
"What for?" Wonshik pulled Jaehwan closer to him.
"Being like this. Being weak"
Wonshik started to rub Jaehwan's arm in comfort.
"It's okay, Ken. You miss Leo, we all do. I've even felt like crying too, but maybe he'll come back."
Jaehwan raised his head and looked at Wonshik, his eyes red and puffy.
"He won't come back".

Sounds of footsteps could be heard from down the hallway.
"Ravi? Ken? Where are you?" Hakyeons voice could be heard as he approached Jaehwan's door.
Jaehwan bolted upright, distancing himself from Wonshik.
Hakyeon opened the door to Jaehwan's room, raising an eyebrow as he saw Wonshik and Jaehwan together.
"Am I intruding on something?" he asked with a smirk growing on his face as his gaze shifted from Wonshik to Jaehwan.
Jaehwan kept his head low as he avoided Hakyeon's eye contact.
"No not at all, we were just coming now" Wonshik stood up and walked over to Hakyeon. "Come on Ken, I bet everyone is waiting for us" he smiled.
Jaehwan shook a little, took a deep breath and stood up. He started to follow Wonshik out the door, careful not to brush past Hakyeon who was staring intently as Jaehwan walked by.

-Several Days Later-

"Once more, 5,6,7,8"
The music played through the studio's speakers.
Wonshik had finished the lyrics to their new song and now the members were focusing on the choreography.
Jaehwan could not stop thinking about Taekwoon. Every step he took he imagined Taekwoon did the same.
He only thought Taekwoon would be gone for a few days, not this long. Maybe he really is gone, for good. Getting lost in his thoughts, Jaehwan miscounted the amount of steps to take and stepped backwards onto Hakyeon's feet causing the man to shout out.
"Yah! Ken! Watch it" Hakyeon bent down to rub his foot while he glared at Jaehwan.
"I-I'm sorry hyung" Jaehwan mumbled and stepped away.
Wonshik, Hongbin and Sanghyuk turned around to see a crouching Hakyeon.
Hakyeon sighed.
"Lets take a break" he said in a low voice, pushing himself back onto his feet, leaning to one side as though not to put pressure on his foot.
"Yay! I'm exhausted" Sanghyuk stretched his arms and fell to the floor, lying down like a starfish. Hongbin laughed and sat next to him with his legs crossed.
Jaehwan stood away from the group and slowly made his way out of the studio.

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