Chapter 3: Wang Ba Qiu

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I was about to speak when I suddenly realized something was wrong. As soon as I made any noise, I would reveal the truth. But even though I couldn't speak, I could still think about my next move.

What should I do at this time? What would Uncle Three do at this time?

My mind was a mess as I watched Wang Ba Qiu walk up to me, get a look at my face, and immediately reveal a surprised expression.

As I looked at him, I thought of the only way to keep the truth hidden. I came forward to meet him, swung my left fist, and hit him hard on the bridge of his nose.

He was caught off guard and fell to the ground. I immediately felt a sharp pain in my hand, but I gritted my teeth and went up and knocked him to the ground again. He squealed like a pig. I remembered what he said at the last meal, and got really angry. I didn't know whether I could hide it or not, but I was so pissed that I rushed over to kick him.

The guy looked tough, but he wasn't good at fighting and didn't even have a chance to fight back. The four men behind him finally reacted and rushed up together. Pan Zi immediately stepped in front of me and said to them, "If you want to die, come here one at a time. If I don't kill you all in three minutes, I'll be a real son of a bitch."

Everyone knew of Pan Zi's ferocity, so the four people didn't dare make a move.

I couldn't feel my hand anymore and was afraid I would have to pay more for my own treatment than this guy would. I knew I couldn't take it too far, so I kicked him a few more times and then turned my head and walked away.

When Pan Zi saw me leaving, he spit at them and then followed after me. As we walked to the intersection, we saw those men finally help Wang Ba Qiu up. I quickened my pace and found a spot where they couldn't see us so that I could look at my hand. It was swollen like a steamed bun.

"Next time, slap him." Pan Zi said. "Beating him with your fist is giving him face."

I looked back and asked, "Did they find out?"

"Not necessarily. He must've had eyes on one of us. When he saw you, he thought Master Three came back and immediately came to see. You responded well just now, but you didn't hit hard enough."

"Not hard enough?"

"If I did it, we wouldn't have to worry if he saw or not." Pan Zi said. "But either way, he must've been confused by this beating. For the time being, let's go."

When we got into a taxi, Pan Zi said that we couldn't go to the hotel where I stayed before or even to his place. By evening, all of Changsha would definitely know the news, so we had to hide first. But we couldn't hide for too long, because Master Three had never been afraid of those fuckers. It was likely to be a tough battle tomorrow.

If we could make it through tomorrow, we'd be able to immediately go back to the shop in Hangzhou and rest for a long time.

I nodded and he said, "We can't sleep tonight. I have to tell you how to get through this. But like I said, tomorrow will be tough and you definitely won't be able to learn how to be like Master Three in one night. Tomorrow, I'll find a place where you can stay inside and I'll be outside so that they can only see your face. You won't have to talk, but you'll have to discipline them."

"How can I do that without speaking?" I wondered.

Pan Zi smiled mysteriously, "I'll teach you the first trick to Master Three's divine skills later. You'll be able to silently discipline people in an instant."

I stayed up practically all night practicing the silent disciplining method, which was actually just throwing the account book down.

Pan Zi said that Uncle Three usually liked to swear when he was angry, but he would be very silent when his fury had reached its limit. He would take out the problematic book and make the owner wait outside. If the explanation was appropriate, he would put it down, but if it wasn't, he would throw the account book and the person would know that he was finished.

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