Chapter 31: Ghost Appears

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After it was completely dark, the moon rose gradually. I found a tree to lean on, and for the first time, my heart wavered a little. I was thinking, am I totally going in the wrong direction? Did I follow the wrong route when I walked all the way here? I also forgot whether I learned it from TV or if Fatty taught me how to look for traces according to the damage of the foliage. Was it all a bluff?

"It's only the first day." I immediately told myself and began to think about what Fatty would have done last night. If he found out that I wasn't there, he couldn't go back alone and proceed with the team as if nothing had happened. Because both fake Wu Xie and I were gone, he would definitely guess that I must have been taken away by him, in which case Fatty would definitely go back and inform the others.

No, Fatty wouldn't notify anyone else. Judging from his performance recently, he doesn't trust anyone now. Moreover, how would he say such a thing when he went back?

If Pan Zi were there, he might inform him, but now he would definitely try to find me out here alone.

I continued to speculate on what I would think first if I were in his shoes. He would feel that I was taken away by fake Wu Xie, who would either take me back to the foreigners' team or kill me. He would judge which one was more likely according to the situation at that time and take corresponding measures. In short, it was very likely that he went out to find me by himself.

Of course, I wouldn't ignore another possibility, that is, the guy would go back to ambush Fatty after finishing me off. But I believe Fatty isn't so easy to sneak up on and since the guy dragged me so far down the steep slope, he was definitely trying to make it so that Fatty wouldn't be able to find me. Based on this, this possibility is unlikely. It's more reliable to think that Fatty was looking for me.

However, although Fatty had good eyes, under the circumstances at that time, he could only shout my name, but I was in a deep coma at that time. What would I do if I looked for someone and cried all night and that person didn't respond? Wait for the morning, and then look for any traces left by him.

Obviously Fatty didn't find me, but the area was very large, and unlikely to be canvassed in one day. He was probably resting somewhere in this area now, and with Fatty's character, he wouldn't give up so soon.

Thinking this, I looked up at the moon in the sky. There was silence all around, with only a slight chirping of insects, much quieter than in the summer when we first arrived. I realized that this was a good time to rest.

I looked for a tree to climb up, but found it very difficult, so I continued to climb the gentle slope until I could clearly see the whole valley. In fact, I didn't reach any high position, but stood at the corner of the crown of a tree. After standing still for a moment, I yelled at the top of my voice, "Fatty!"

With this single sound, almost all the insects stopped chirping. This angle seemed to be very opportune, and as the sound traveled down, unexpectedly the opposite mountain echoed it back, and a flock of birds was startled into flight in the valley.

I was a little surprised, but didn't immediately give up. I immediately raised my voice and continued to yell. I called a few times, stopped, and listened carefully for Fatty's reply.

There was no reply no matter how I called, just the sound of the wind in the valley.

I thought that maybe I couldn't hear Fatty's voice because he didn't have a natural loudspeaker like me. I was wondering if I should make a torch so that he could see my location and coordinate with my voice calling him and maybe find me here, but at this time, I suddenly heard the sound of a bush rustling coming from the gentle slope below me.

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