Chapter 42: There's Something at the Top of the Cave

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After the adventure in Sichuan, climbing was no longer a problem for me. I visually inspected the height of the cave, which was more than 60 meters and about 20 stories high. Fortunately, this mountain rock was a lot easier to scale and I climbed very high in less than an hour. What made me feel most proud was that the cigarette placed behind my ear didn't fall down during the whole process.

I tied the rope with iron spikes and made a simple safety rope. When I found it very difficult to climb again, I was about 10 meters away from the roof of the cave.

Fatty's voice echoed below me. I used a flashlight to illuminate the roof of the cave, which was full of stalactites hanging upside down like spikes. As expected, I found something between these stalactites.

But they were too big and jagged and I still couldn't see clearly in this position.

"Is there anything?" Fatty's voice was eager. My heart said, "if you don't climb on your own, I won't tell you and will just piss you off!" I didn't bother answering him.

Fatty kept shouting from below while I tried to change my angle on the cliff after some hesitation. I almost fell off several times, but I still couldn't see clearly.

I took a few breaths, feeling a little depressed. It wasn't very easy to climb so high, and it was all in vain.

Fatty cried, "Sunshine incense burner gives rise to purple smoke. Purple smoke is born in the mountains. [1] It's impossible to see your position clearly. You can shine your light on it for me. The flashlight is at its brightest so I'll see."

I scolded: "If you're not fucking educated, don't recite it. Would you mind straightening your tongue before reciting it again?"

"I was trying to liven up the atmosphere since you get impatient when you're in a hurry. Don't be so short with me. If you keep doing that, I'll fuck you up until you become smoke, and it won't necessarily be purple fucking smoke." Fatty became angry.

I cursed darkly as I pointed the flashlight at the stalactites for half a day, but he also couldn't see any mechanisms. He did see something in the middle that wasn't big, but it had to be artificial.

"Can't see, it's too far away and the light's not strong enough. That deformed bastard took away my scope, otherwise I could see better."

The core problem was still too far away. The lighting distance of "Wolf-Eye" was actually not close, but my eyesight was limited. Under such concentrated light, if something was too small and unfamiliar to you, it would be difficult to judge what it was according to its shape. In this case, we'd have to either use a scope or get closer.

I looked up and saw that it was really difficult to climb and the danger was very high, but at this time, I had already decided to take risks.

I made a gesture to Fatty that I would continue to go up, and whether he saw it or not, I struggled to find a place to move. A few more steps up, I found that it was all smooth lime walls at a reverse angle. As long as I stepped on it, within three seconds, I would be in front of Fatty as a bloody flesh pile.

I don't know how long I struggled in that position while Fatty called me countless times below and I ignored him. I had climbed so high that I was unwilling to go on like this, but there was really nothing I could do. Fatty was helpless at the bottom and finally shouted at me: "Come down, the foreman promised to pay."

I had stayed in the same position the entire time and had run out of energy, leaving me no choice but to climb down despondently. Fatty shook his head at me as I fell to the ground.

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