Chapter 79: Snow Blindness

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The recovery time for snow blindness was one to three days. If I got this here, I wouldn't only die earlier than Poker-Face, but I would also die miserably.

What was I looking for?

I closed my eyes and felt extremely depressed. Fuck, the last time I came here, it was full of gloomy snow clouds so I didn't have a chance to encounter this problem, and didn't prepare myself this time. But who would've thought this would happen? This time, I really fucking killed myself.

Snow blindness was a very strange disease, which was generally believed to be a symptom of temporary blindness caused by intense light stimulation of the retina. After a few days rest, the eyesight would recover by itself, but those who had experienced snow blindness before would suffer even worse if they didn't pay attention. Repeated snow blindness would gradually weaken one's eyesight, causing long-term eye diseases and even permanent blindness in severe cases.

When walking in snow, you usually wore goggles or sunglasses to relieve and prevent such a thing from occurring.

Another study by Americans, however, showed that snow blindness was actually caused by excessive tension in the eyes due to the fact that they couldn't find a focused object in the snow (only pure white can be seen on snowy mountains at many times). Snow blindness rarely occurred suddenly and violently, but once symptoms appeared, you couldn't use your eyes again until they had time to rest.

In other words, according to my current situation, it was estimated that it would take me twelve hours before I could continue to use my eyes with confidence. During this period, I had to also be very careful when using my eyes intermittently. This meant that I was stuck here for a long time.

I felt extremely depressed when I thought about it. Why was it smooth sailing when I came here, but now it had become such a trial? If something had happened to me when I came, Poker-Face may have had to send me back.

I should've found a reason to cripple myself a few days ago.

I was just thinking of sulking, when suddenly I felt a looseness under my butt and the whole snowy slope I was sitting on slipped down.

It was absolutely impossible to stop sliding down the slope and I couldn't react at all. I only felt that I had been spinning and sliding all the way and my hands scrabbled around aimlessly. At this time, it was impossible to close my eyes. I inserted my hand deeply into the snow several times, trying to stop myself by relying on resistance, but every time I inserted it, it only made a bigger block of snow slide.

I screamed and rolled all the way down the hillside. I knew it was a very steep cliff, with a drop of at least 30 meters. Even if there was snow below, I would never be safe.

In the past, I might have accepted death, but now I couldn't. I grabbed everywhere in horror, but I slid off the cliff and fell into the air in an instant.

When I rolled off the cliff and fell down six or seven meters, I found everything around me turned into slow motion, and I could see all the snow that followed after me. It was coming in all kinds of strange trajectories.

Then I landed on my back in the snow.

Falling into a piece of cotton-like snow from a place thirty meters high was a very enjoyable thing to think about. I didn't even know how deep I fell into the snow, but I knew that there must be a pit shaped like a human body, and the posture must be very strange.

The snow here was especially soft, and after falling, countless pieces rolled off the edge and hit me in the face.

My head was covered to death, but fortunately, I didn't feel like I hit something hard when I fell. If there were a stone or two in the snow, I would definitely not feel like this.

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