Chapter 67: The Computer's Secrets

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My friend arrived at two o'clock that afternoon. I told him that my uncle needed his help to check the computer and the cost would be 100,000 yuan. This guy was short of money, so he got up at five and arrive on the first plane. I told him that I wouldn't meet him if I was busy with something else, and he could earn the money on his own.

This man was a classmate of mine who had some skills on the computer. When I checked that website the last time, he also helped me. As soon as I told him my request, he immediately understood and didn't ask why, just immediately set the whole thing up.

He moved the whole computer, looked at it, and then gave an "ah".

When I asked what was wrong, he said, "Your computer isn't connected to the internet."

"Not connected?"

"You see, there's no network cable."

I got down to have a look, and was also surprised. Sure enough, the back of this computer was bare, and even people like me who didn't know much about computers could be sure that it had absolutely no internet connection, because it only had one power cord connected to the socket.


"Impossible, there was no wireless network drive system installed on the computer."

"Then what's going on?" I asked surprised.

Shit, this was GHOSTNET. I had seen a TV drama before where the computer in it could be connected to another computer in another world through some psychic force. The people in it called this kind of thing "ghost network".

I didn't know what the principle behind it was, but it was definitely not a ghost net and I suddenly realized that this matter was very crucial.

I sat back in front of the computer and calmed down. He said, "I have to take it apart to see what's going on. Otherwise, you've been talking to yourself."

"I don't understand, you have to be more specific."

"It can be done in theory. Two accounts can be set up on one computer and communicate with each other on the same computer."

"No need for network?"

"No, but was there any actual content in your email?"

I nodded, "Of course there was."

"That can't be the case. I think there must be something wrong in the computer's chassis." He said.

When I asked him if he would damage the machine, he shook his head and said absolutely not.

He was very fast, obviously used to installing computers in the city, and soon removed the shell of the host computer, which was full of circuit boards I couldn't understand. He knocked around inside with tweezers and after looking at it, he turned pale and said to me, "Uncle, this is really weird. There's no network card in it."

I didn't understand how serious this was, showing a puzzled expression. He said: "At the computer level, this goes against the laws of physics. If you don't have a network card, it's absolutely impossible to receive any email from outside the network. No, this email you received can only come from your computer itself."

"What do you mean?"

"Either you're emailing yourself, or your computer is emailing you."

I shook my head, this was absolutely impossible. "Absolutely not, take a closer look." I said, before suddenly remembering yesterday's last email. Shit, was this computer intelligent? It saw me go out to smoke from the room and wasn't somewhere else monitoring my balcony like I originally thought?

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