Chapter 68: Secrets Under Uncle Three's Shop

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I saw a section of iron ladder. It was very dark inside, but I could see water at the bottom.

It was really a manhole.

I thought for a moment, but I figured I wasn't wrong since the lid was full of holes. If it rained, it would definitely fill in, so the wire must go down a little further.

The manhole was very small, and there was almost no space for me to turn around after I entered. After going down, the ensuing area was a cubic space of about one meter, full of water and fallen leaves. There was also a hole on the left that could only be crawled through. I saw the wire went all the way down, stretching directly to the hole.

I held the flashlight in my mouth, climbed into the hole, and crawled straight ahead.

This kind of feeling reminded me of crawling through the grave robbers' tunnel again and I felt very uncomfortable. But I clenched my teeth and persisted, climbing six or seven meters until I finally reached the end of the tunnel.

With a flashlight, I found that at the end of this passage was a room. It was built on a covert elevated frame of iron and wood, with water flowing underneath. But the frame was badly decayed and when I stepped on it, it felt like I was stepping on cotton.

There were several bookshelves, a bed, and a table, on which a computer, a video recorder, and a TV were placed. They were badly mildewed due to the moisture, and I could see many mildew spots on them from where I stood.

The wire went to the computer in this room, but I didn't see anyone.

The man hadn't come back yet?

I paused for a moment and then touched the computer. It was cold.

There were so many potted plants covering the manhole where I came in just now that if he wanted to go out, he would have to remove them first. He couldn't have come in and out from there.

I looked around the room with my flashlight and found that there was another hole in the wall to the right, through which water flowed out from the direction I came from. I took a peek and saw that it was very deep, but no one was inside.

Who the fuck was this? Even though someone lived in the sewer under Uncle Three's house, he still kept in touch with Uncle Three in such a secretive way.

This was fucking weird.

I shined my flashlight on those bookshelves, which were all full of videotapes.

My hands began to shake and I pulled out a box... I found all the videos on the shelf were numbered, exactly like the ones I received at that time. But it felt wrong when I pulled it out. It was too light, and when I opened it, it turned out to be empty.

I opened several more boxes and found them all empty. I was surprised, why did he put the empty boxes here?

I calmed down after a moment, but my heart was very confused and I wanted to sort everything out a little.

There was a man under Uncle Three's house, who kept in touch with him in a particularly strange way. Did Uncle Three know this person was here?

I didn't think anyone could make such a dark room under Uncle Three's watchful eyes, let alone his house. He must've known about it, and it was even possible that everything in the dark room was arranged by him.

So how many years had this man been here?

Judging from the degree of rust on this iron and wood frame, this thing had obviously been in existence for a long time. I couldn't tell exactly how long it was, but I thought it would take at least six or seven years, or even a few decades, to reach this level of decay. Although there was more rain in Hangzhou, on the whole it was usually sunny and cloudy. According to this structure, the sewer pipe wouldn't have water all year round, so it would take a long time for it to corrode to this extent.

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