Chapter 11 - The Dream Team

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Dream was a couple inches taller than George. His chin rested on Georges shoulder and Georges head rested on Dreams chest. George could smell Dreams cologne. He was touching Dream for the first time. A warmth flowed through him as he stood there. He didn't  want to let go. But he had to. When he did he looked up into Dreams eyes. He saw that same expression again. Before Dream quickly hid it. They were both blushing.
"Are you blushing George" Dream smiled.
" No, shut up" George smirked back at him.
"Sure" said Dream.

"I can't believe we're finally meeting" George stuttered as he walked over to his car and pulled out the suitcase.

"Yea I thought you'd be a bit taller, shorty" Dream laughed.

"You're just tall that's all" George replied, closing the boot of the car.

"No your jut short, anyway how long were you driving?" laughed Dream. George shrugged.

"About Nineteen hours. All through the night" he giggled. Dream smacked his forehead.

"Seriously, your a bit dumb George" he laughed. "Do you want to rest before Sapnap gets here?". George nodded at Dream and followed him silently into his house. It smelled of lavender and it looked quite antique.

They passed through the kitchen which George admired since he loved to cook and followed Dream into one of three bedrooms.

"This is where you can stay" Dream pointed at the bed. It was placed at the end of the room next to a small table and a walk in closet. George dumped is heavy suit case at the end of the bed and rubbed his arm.

"Thanks Dream" he said awkwardly and smiled.

"I'll be next door and Sapnap or Techno can have the last room. Who ever gets it first" Dream shrugged, looking down at George.

"So do you wanna sleep for a bit while we wait?" Dream asked as he looked past George. Unable to make eye contact.

"Yea I think I will" George replied.

Dream closed the door behind him and left George alone in the room.
The bed was soft and George stripped into just his shorts and lay down. The covers smelled like Dream. He held the pillow tight. The same way he wanted to hold Dream. How desperate George was to make a move and fulfill his empty heart with the moments of happiness he spent in his Dreams. He slowly fell asleep, thinking of the day he would let Dream know how much he loved him. And kiss him like he needed to be kissed.


George had no idea how long he had slept. He woke to the muffled sounds of talking through the door. Slowly he pulled himself out of bed and slipped on a shirt from his suit case. Sapnap and Techno must be here. He pushed open his door and walked around the corner to where the voices were coming from. Sapnap, Dream and Techno were sitting on couches across from each other talking. George got a bit of a shock. He didn't expect Techno to look like that.

Sapnap must have noticed something because he turned around and looked George dead in the eyes.

"Look who finally woke up" he laughed. George quickly glanced at the clock hanging on the wall beside him. He had only slept for two hours.

"Shut up Sapnap. Where's the hi George. How are you George?" he said impersonating Sapnaps voice. Sapnap giggled.

"Y'know you're cute when you sleep" Sapnap winked. George rolled his eyes. He could see the jealousy on Dreams face.

"Hey George" Techno said staring blankly at him in a deep voice.

"Hi" George smiled. He sat down next to Dream who stared at him for a moment before talking again.

"Tommy and Tubbo arrive in thirty minutes. We should probably get going so we can say hi"

"Sounds like a plan" said Techno who pushed himself out of his seat. "I'll meet ya'll in the car" he added before walking out of the house. The three of them laughed.

"Well the Dream Team have finally met up" said Sapnap clapping his hands together.

"Let's put it on twitter" George said, quickly adding "Of course we'll blur your face Dream" after Dream looked at him slightly concerned.

"Yea let's do it!" said Sapnap, pulling out his phone. "Get over here guys. We need a selfie!"

Within moments, Sapnap had taken a picture of the three of them and blurred Dreams face out.

"Let's see how long it takes fans to react" he said, pushing the post button.

"1......2......3.....boom look at that!" Sapnap said as comments starting piling in going crazy.

"Alright, enough fun for now. Let's go to the airport" smiled Dream leading them out of his house to where Techno was waiting outside.

"Who's car we gonna use?" he shouted at them. George had completely forgotten that Dream didn't have a car.

"We can use mine" George replied. "It's pretty roomy. No one will be squished."

"Cool, I shotgun front seat" Techno yelled, opening Georges door and jumping in. George walked around to his seat and turned on the engine. He waited for Dream and Sapnap to get in before backing out the driveway.

It took about twenty minutes to get to the airport. Sapnap and Dream had been murmuring to each other the whole way and Techno just stared blankly out the front window. This time George took time to admire the city and buildings as he drove towards the destination. Florida was no where as nice as New York but it was a nice change. As soon as George parked the car they all hopped out and Dream lead them to the international side of the airport. Fundy had texted and told them where they were all waiting.

"One more flight of stairs" said Dream. They had walked up five already and Georges legs ached. They finally reached the top and turned the corner to see Fundy, Wilbur and Bad sitting and talking on the waiting chairs.

"Sup guys!" Sapnap yelled, running across the airport to meet them. Dream and George turned to each other and laughed. It was nice to have little moments like that. Where they understood each other.

"Hey guys, Tommy and Tubbo should be walking in any minute now. How was the journey here?" asked Wilbur as they all sat down.

"It was alright, I had to drive through the night though." Said George.

"Just got here an hour ago with Techno" said Sapnap. They all chatted for a few minutes before a familiar voice came screeching from the flight gate.

"Hey guys! We're here!" said Tommy, running at them with Tubbo close mind. Both of them hauling massive bags. Everyone took time to greet Tommy and Tubbo before getting ready to leave again.

"See you at the end of the week then" Said bad as he waved goodbye. Everyone waved back and George followed Dream back to their car.

"Guys I was thinking" Dream said turning around while he was walking. "Since none of you have been here before we should have a little picnic tonight. Out by a lake or on a beach. It'll be fun". George, Sapnap and Techno nodded at each other.

"Cool, I'm in" Smiled George and the others nodded too.

They walked back to the car silently and Georges heart tingled as he thought about sitting next to Dream, staring at the sunset on a beach. Surely he could make a move tonight. Hopefully Sapnap and Techno wouldn't notice.

End Notes:

- I wasn't gonna do the whole picnic thing but I suddenly got this good idea that hopefully you enjoy because I'm definitely gonna enjoy writing it hehe.


- New Chapter maybe out tomorrow maybe the next day we'll see hehe xx

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