Camp Half Blood

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"Tammi you got any idea on how to take care of a baby?" Kelli asked as the baby cried uncontrollably.

Tammi looked up from her magazine, "No, why did we even take him in the first place?" She asked. Kelli rolled her eyes.
"To watch them suffer! Gosh you are stupid. If i've known you would be like this, no way in tartarus would i have gotten you out of Tartarus." Kelli looked at the baby.

He was no older than two weeks. For the past two weeks she had tried to take care of him herself but it just didn't seem to work. She was growing tired of him.
"Pick a name Tammi." she ordered. Tammi thought for a moment.
"Well they were planning on naming him Jordan..."she said thoughtfully.
"Jordan it is then." Kelli responded. Tammi laughed.

"Cmon Tammi, lets go hire a nurse to take care of this irritating child." Kelli said as she picked up baby Jordan.

Tammi looked up, surprised,"I thought we were going to kill him."
Kelli rolled her eyes again, "Those were not the orders." she replied as she walked toward the door.

Tammi stared at her confused, "Orders from who?"
Kelli stopped at the door and turned to Tammi,"You know who."she said with an evil smile.

Tammi, walked out the door, after Kelli who held Baby Jordan.

At camp

Annabeth stared distastefully out at camp,"Percy, I told you i didn't want to come." she protested. Percy, grabbing her wrist, pulled her toward camp.

"Chiron wants to talk to you, Annabeth." Percy argued as they walked.
"I don't want to talk to him, or to anyone!" Annabeth said angrily.

Chiron, who had been speaking to a satyr, started wheeling toward them.
"Annabeth, dear, look at you." he said. Annabeth looked at him sadly.
"Cmon sweetie..."he called as he galloped toward his house.

Annabeth turned to Percy, "I'll be back Percy." she sighed as she ran after Chiron. Percy watched her go, feeling sadness overwhelm him. Shaking his head he made his way to where Rachel lived.

"So you can't see anything yet?" Percy asked Rachel. Rachel shook her head.
"The gift of Apollo has not yet returned back to me . I don't know why.  Lord Apollo is trying to figure it out."she said with shrug. Thanking her, Percy wandered over to the lake.

It was almost empty. Only a few water nymphs were around. One with blonde hair made her way toward Percy. "I'm sorry about your baby. I have already sent some nymphs to go look for him." she said.

Percy nodded as she dived into the water. The pain was killing him inside.
If only he knew where Kelli was.

Moments later Annabeth was with him. She looked out at the lake thoughtfully.
"Remember when you were claimed?" She asked silently. Percy giving her a grim smile nodded.

"You think we will ever find him?" Percy asked. Annabeth looked towards the camp,"I am hoping we will." Annabeth said as she made her way to the Athena cabin. Percy followed her. Everyone they passed by gave them sad looks.

If only they knew how it felt to be dying inside.

Percy wished they would stop looking at them with such pity looks.

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