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"Just handle the baby with care."the nurse told Kelli. Tammi rolled her eyes.
"We are, but that kid won't shut up. Can you please just quiet him?" Tammi looked at the baby in disgust.

"Where's the mom? I'm sure she would understand this more than you do."The nurse asked and looked around the room. Kelli and Tammi had brought her to care for the baby, who had been crying uncontollably. She assumed the mother had to be around.

"Sh-she left in us charge of him because she didn't want him. It's a sad story." Kelli said thinking fast. The nurse frowned and shook her head.
What type of mother would do that?

"Yeah well i have to go. Bye Kelli." Tammi called as she walked out the door. The nurse looked as the girl left the room. The mist let her see Kelli and Tammi as regular college or twenty year old ladies. Not as the ugly monsters they were.

Kelli looked at the nurse,"Okay so start doing your job. I'll be watching television downstairs."

The nurse's eyebrows rose. Didn't they have anything better to do with their lives? She picked up the baby, who the girls had said was named Jordan, and rocked him trying to make him go to sleep.

She looked at him and guessed he was about a weeks old. He looked at her, with his hands in fists. She remembered a couple who had given birth and their baby had been kidnapped.

Could this be the baby? If so, why would they take him? The nurse dismissed the thoughts from her head telling herself it was nonsense.

At home

"Annabeth,you want to go see the doctor now?" Percy looked at her worried. She looked pale and lost several pounds. Most of the time she sat staring into space. If not, she was at camp.

"No Percy. How many times do I have to tell you I'm fine?" she stared at the wall. "No you're not. Don't you think I'm worried about the baby to? Where he is?" He spoke before he could stop himself.

Talking about the baby was difficult. It was like talking about a dead person. He usually stayed away from the topic.

Annabeth looked at him,"I know...but its been a month and still no sign of him. Not a sign that could tell us if he's alive. What if he's not even alive? Kelli could've killed him by now." she whispered the last words.

Percy sat besides her, cupping her face in his hands,"Don't think like that. Don't think like that for a second. Jordan's alive somewhere out there. I know. You know. We all know. Don't ever say that again."

Annabeth nodded sadly. He gave her a kiss before she fell asleep. Her blonde hair falling all over her face. He looked out the window as Annabeth laid with her head on his lap.

He hoped that where Malcolm and him believed Kelli was at this time was true. And if they ever found her- no when they found her, he hoped he would have the pleasure of killing her for the pain she was causing Annabeth. For everything she was doing to them.

She would pay, he promised.

I know it takes me forever to update and Im sorry. Ill try updating more often.

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