Nico the rescuer

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Percy woke with a start. He looked at his surrounding as he stood up while brushing his jeans. He heard Malcolm groan as he too stood up.

"The pegasi left."Malcolm muttered the obvious. Percy stood next to him looking up at the sky.
"How are we supposed to get back to camp?" He asked Malcolm.
Malcolm looked at him,"Do you still have that empathy link with Grover? You could message him to get help for us.

Percy tried reaching Grover. "Grover, we need help." he thought to himself. No answer came. It was useless.
"Its freaking useless. He's not answering me." Percy said aloud. Malcolm creased his forehead,"Gods of
olympus, my head hurts."

A shriek came from the builing. Percy and Malcolm both neared it slowly. Weapons ready, they both dared a peek through the window.
"Lamia..."Malcolm whispered stunned.

The demon was half woman and half snake. What was it with the gods turning beautiful people into demons? Lamia threw a basket across the room. It crashed into the wall, breaking into a million little pieces.

Her hair was all over the place.
"The son of the so called son of Poseidon and daughter of Athena, is ready to be eaten? I never thought the day would come!" She laughed deeply. Percy's heart rate increased.

Tammi came out from behind the door,"Yes, my boss has sent me to tell you. But she will want something in return."

Lamias smile faded as she neared Tammi,"What will that be? I get to eat one of most important descendants of the gods, is that not enough prize for her?" Tammi smiled one of her creepy smiles and she stepped forward,"Oh, don't worry, after all its not something the great Lamia can't do."

Lamia seemed to grow more curious by Tammi's words," Well, then. What is it?"
"Kelly wants the great Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase to be killed. One simple request." Tammi said and laughed afterwards. It felt as if a piece of ice had been dropped down Percy's spine. Malcolm shivered next to him.

"What?! That is impossible! I don't even know where they are!"Lamia argued.
"One of them is closer than you think." Tammi replied and turned her head to the window. She locked eyes with Percy while showing him her teeth. Lamia turned as well.

"Well, go do it Lamia." Kelly said smirking. Percy and Malcolm prepared their weapons as Lamia broke the wall with her tail. They backed up against a tree.

"Oh Hades, we are so going to die today." Malcolm said under his breath.
"Shut it with the bad vibes." Percy told him as Lamia got closer to them.

"You know what would be good right now?" Malcolm asked raising his dagger.

"Well look at who we have here- the great son of Poseidon. Too bad you wont be living another day." Lamia told him as she whipped her tail at him. Percy rolled out of her way, falling hard on his shoulder.

Malcolm meanwhile struck her with his dagger. She turned so quickly on Malcolm that Percy didn't see it coming. She flicked her tail at Malcolm sending him flying to the gods know where.

Tammi stood by the broken wall, watching with an entertained expression. Percy wanted to go and kill her but he would have to get by Lamia first. He raised Riptide and struck Lamia with it, making her lose her balance and collapse on the ground.

"Stupid demigod. Even if you do kill me , I will reform within minutes. I could just kill you some other time." Lamia growled. She was still on the ground.

Percy took advantage of the moment and struck Lamia on the heart with Riptide. She dissolved into dust. Percy turned to the broken wall but Kelly was gone.

"Percy!" A voice called from a distance. Percy squinted his eyes to see Nico waving to him. How he gotten here, Percy didn't care. He ran toward Nico to see him kneeling by Malcolm.

"Grover heard you. He told me where you were. Here help me with Malcolm." Said Nico as he tried carrying Malcolm.
"How did you get here?" Percy asked exhausted.
"How you think? I shadow traveled.Will will freak when he finds out."

He stood up as Percy hung Malcolm over his shoulder.
"Okay. Lets go back to camp." Nico said as the shadows curled over them.

Once again, Percy hated the feeling.
I am so sorry for not updating.😔. Sorry you guys.

A lot of the readers have been correcting the mistakes I make, and making cruel comments. I just want to tell you guys that I read every single comment left on the story. I dont mind you correcting my mistakes but it is getting kind of annoying. As for the cruel comments; if you see one please block it. I'm almost done with the next chapter btw.

Thank you dear readers <3 May the Gods of Olympus be with you girls( I assume its only girls reading this story, but if you're a guy, thank you very much as well😊)

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