To whoever cares enough to read this lost treasure, my name is Lilura Undergrove, but you can just call me the crazy person who decided to write all my experiences about being a literal human arachnid who can't see colors in this word document on my phone because I have an irrational fear of "catching" Alzheimer's disease at some point. Anyway, if youre reading this, I have lost my phone once again so if you could return it to the lost and found of the university or just call the number in my phone under Seren I would be forever in your debt. You could also just bring my phone to the cafeteria and give it to me directly, but whatever you do don't call me Lilura in public. You can call me Lil or Lily, no exceptions, when we're in front of the masses. Hopefully you enjoy reading my "deep dark secrets" and if you enjoy my incredibly dramatic commentary on my life you can feel free to share it with your friends.