Naruto Uzumaki, the delinquent, and trouble maker known throughout the village. But he is more than that, he is kind, caring, and would fight to the death in order to defend his friends from their own deaths. He praised and proclaimed with great passion that he will be Hokage no matter what. Hinata Hyuga, the girl who was originally going to be her family's successor but got surpassed by her little sister, Hanabi Hyuga. She cares for her friends and would do anything to help them and save them, because of Naruto she wants to become even stronger like him. Recently Naruto has been having nightmares about Hinata, they first start off as nice happy dreams but, some of them slowly turn into a nightmare which ends up waking him up in the middle of nights. Because of it he is most of the time sleep deprived and that affects his ninja training and this one mission he's supposed to go on. But something is awakening inside of Naruto as he grows more attached towards Hinata, he cares for her a lot more. Could these dreams be a coincidence? Or by fate itself? (Warning: Swearing, gore, and somewhat smut)