Chapter 14: The Child of Destruction

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Jemma Simmons POV:

I have been feeling like something is going to happen but I don't know what? Lately, I keep sensing that something is about to change. It's driving me mad. I was in the lab when Daisy walked in. I looked up from my work.

"Hey Jem, I was wondering... Ok I know this might sound stupid but Can you do DNA testing on me?"   Daisy asks Me. I smile at her.

"Why? you know your parents through" I ask her. She took a deep breath and began to explain to me.

"Cal and Jiaying keep looking at one another when I asked them questions seem like it was scripted. I don't know, having them as parents don't seem right to me" She explains to me.

"which makes sense, to be honest, you don't look anything like Jiaying," I told Daisy and she just nodded.

"Plus, I started to practice my powers by lifting a paper plane, you know like by making it fly. Something weird started to happen. When I brought it down and I picked it up, it turns to black dust which made me slightly scared." Daisy continues. 

"Ok, I'll do a test for both Parental and DNA wise to see if anything is abnormal," I told her. She nodded.

"Come and sit so I can do your blood work," I told her. She sat down on the chair and I got the needles. I put the needle in her bloodstream and withdrew some blood. Once I was done, I label daisy's bloodwork.

"Ok, this will be a priority so I can get it done," I told Daisy. Daisy nodded in understanding.

"Thank you, Jemma," she told me. She left and I began the work.

....................(TWO HOURS LATER)...................

It took me two hours to get it done. I saw that daisy has her Inhuman abilities but what astonishing are two things. One is that Daisy has some type of gamma radiation in her blood but it was odd, How did I not notice this before? and Two is that Daisy is not the daughter of Jiaying or Calvan Johnson. But that's the crazy part, she has fucking three dads... That's not possible! but the good thing is that she only has one mom. I would have died! I put her blood in the system to see if we can identify her dads and her mom. The system was running, scanning documents or DNA results.

"Hey Jem, " she said. I looked up from my work and looked over at the system. 80%, I looked back at Daisy and smile.

"Hi, Daisy" I greeted.

"Have the results Finished?" She asks. I sign and rubbed my eyes.

"Oh no, what happened?" She asks me. I looked at her.

"It's really hard to explain but, I looked at your DNA and see your Inhuman DNA but something was added," I told her. She was shocked.

"Added, what do you mean?" she asks bewilder by the results.

"Not only do you have the Inhuman gene but you also have gamma radiation in your blood. By the looks of it, it was hiding by your Inhuman gene which I somehow didn't notice." I said to her. 

"So I'm the next Hulk basically?" She asks. I shook my head.

"No, you don't have enough to be mutant physically, but I also did the Parental DNA and I am shocked by the looks of it," I told her.

"OK, so let me guess, my intuition was correct, Jiaying and Cal are not my parents right?" She asks me. I nodded, I sense that she was feeling hurt.

"You are right they are not your parents, But...." I paused for a moment. I took a deep breath.

"You do have a Mom but you have three dads," I continue. She gasps and blew up.

"what do you mean I have three dads, That's not possible!" her voice rises.

"I know, that system is scanning any documents, any DNA matches, Daisy," I told her as I pointed at the system which happens to be at 90%. Daisy looks over and had the anxious look on her face.

"We need to tell the team about this, after all, we're family," I told her. She nodded and I hugged her. She hugged back.

"You still have us, Daisy," I whisper to her.

"I know" she quietly replied. We let go and We began walking to the common room. The whole team was at the table joking around. I clear my throat. The whole team stopped what they were doing and looked in our direction.

"Hey Jemma," Leo said to me. I smile at him.

"Daisy please explain to everyone," I told Daisy. She nodded.

"So talked to Simmons about doing a DNA testing between Jiaying and Cal," Everyone looked at one another.

"Why did you-" Leo's voice died.

"It was because I notice some small things that Jiaying and Cal did. They kept looking at one another and when I ask them questions it sounded scripted. Plus the things that they said didn't really add up so I ask Jemma to do a Parental DNA testing and the blood check-up," Daisy explains.

"Why a blood check-up?" Mack asks. Daisy looks at me but I nodded at her.

"So I may have been practicing my powers, It's just something weird happen. So I made a paper plane and was trying to make it fly. It landed on my hand but it turned into black dust. It sort of scared me but I immediately went to Simmons to check it out," Daisy explained to them.

"What did you find?" Coulson asks. 

"One I looked past Daisy inhuman DNA and found some interesting things, Daisy was born with gamma radiation but not enough to be the hulk. But it sort of looks damaged though. I took a Parental DNA  testing but I notice that she has three dads," I told the group. Everyone started to shout but I cut them off.

"I know what you all are thinking, we still don't know how she has three dads but I am currently scanning for ideal matches," I explain to them.

"What about her Mom, does she have more than one?" May asks. I shook my head.

"she only has one mom, just three dads. I need to head back to the lab to see if the scan is completed," I told them. They all nodded.

"I am coming with," Daisy said. Everyone Murmur in agreement as well. We all walked about at the lab and I notice that the scan is complete.

"Ok, from the looks of it, it is complete. I think we should do the dads first," I told them. 

"One of you dads is superman but he doesn't have any parents in the system. Another is Alexander Joseph Luthor who happens to be a scientist but from the looks of it that Superman and he hate each other, he is the son of Lionel and Lillian Luther but they died years ago," I told them as a picture was shown on the hologram.

"I suggest that you don't get in contact with them," Coulson said to Daisy. She nodded in agreement.

"Ok, moving on.... your third dad is Chatnoir who happens to be Adrien Agreste son of Gabriel and Emile Agreste. Gabriel is Hawkmoth, a supervillain," I continue. A video was shown on the hologram.

"I wanted to tell you. Rose was right earlier. You're always helping people. Like that day you helped Juleka overcome her class photo curse. or when you partnered Nathaniel and Marc together to make that comic book. Or when you helped me get to the movies so that I could see my mother on the screen. That's why everyone jumped at the chance to help you with the picnic. So today, it was our turn to help you. You're our everyday Ladybug. Have a good evening, Super-Marinette."

"This was when your dad was 15 years old," I told Daisy. She nodded.

"Who is the girl that Adrien is talking to?" Daisy asks. Everyone looks at one another.

"From facial recognition, Her name Marinette dupain-cheng, Your father's classmate at the time," Leo said to Daisy. She nodded.

"So your mother is.....," I became to look at the match but I stopped myself. I did a double-take, I looked at it again.

"what is it?" May ask me. I looked at May then I looked at daisy.

"Her mother has a postive DNA match with Black Widow," I said to the group. Everyone was Shocked but Coulson was extremely pale.

"Wait a fucking minute," I said. I looked at the results and the video. I began to look at the test between Marinette Dupain- Cheng and Black widows daughter which Marinette's DNA was already in the system... 

"AHHH shit!! Marinette Dupain-Cheng is Black Widow's daughter!!!" I said to the group in shock, everyone gasps. Daisy paled and looked at the video.

"GET HER LOCATION!!" May screamed at everyone. It. Was. Chaos...Everyone was basically running around.

"On it!" Leo yelled while getting the computer still in shock.

"I'm calling Hill!" Coulson said more like shouted, he ran out of the lab. May sat next to me and Daisy. I have rubbed Daisy back in comfort. 

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