Chapter 10: Hunted By The Past

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The Black Widow woke up from a nightmare, she has been getting them as of late and she wonders what does these's dreams mean.

flashback dream:

Voices danced into the night sky, her daughter hugs her and told her that everything was going to be alright. She heard the humming of the song called Daisy Bell, which turned into a music box and was starting to become a little creepy. she walked into a room full of baby things and a baby lying in a crib crying but as the Black widow was about to pick up the child, the sweet child disappeared turning the room into a lab where Agent Coulson and Agent May was holding her. Natasha tried to listen to their conversation but saw that they left the crying child on the lab table while the music box grew louder and louder.

The scenery change to a different lab where there were two test tubes in the room. One of the test tubes had a S.H.E.I.L.D symbol with the Hydra symbol next to it and the other test tube which she doesn't know what organization it was. It was very odd. It was a diamond with the giant letter S in it. In one of the test tubes with the giant S was a male teenager, he looks like he was an Asian descent but what caught the women's attention was that the fact that this boy looked so much like her daughter but a male version which was very insane. His eyes were closed so she didn't know what color his eyes were. She got a closer look and saw that this boy was very muscular she didn't really understand it and could be very strong like unreal strong.

In the other test tube was a copy of her daughter Marinette but she black hair like the boy. The girl had the S.H.E.I.L.D  logo on her shoulder but when Natasha looked at the girl and saw that her hair kept changing colors mostly brown to black over and over. But what startled her was the fact the girl was staring at her, tilting her head side to side with her brown doe eyes huntedly staring at her. Natasha Romanoff woke up...

Dream flashback ended:

When Natasha woke up, she was breathing hard. She sat up looking around her surroundings, panting, and she started to rub her eyes and she looked at the clock. It showed that it was 3 AM in the morning. She went to the bathroom and got ready for the day. Natasha walked down the gym and started to punch the boxing bags.

On the other side of the world, matter-of-fact Paris, France. Marinette woke up from the same nightmare but in Black Widows place. She looked over to her Kwami.

"Hey, Tikki!" She nudged her. Tikki woke up startled.
"What wrong?" she asked in concern.
"I had a nightmare," Marinette told her. Tikki smiled at her and came up to her.
"Tell me about it," Tikki told her. Tikki listened to her nightmare until she was finished.
"That's one hell of a nightmare, but from the sounds of it; It sounds like a prophecy," Tikki told Marinette. She was surprised.
"It makes sense, the three symbols are different parties. The bird and the Octopus are rivals while the one with the S could mean they are going to be developed in something big or..." Tikki paused for a moment.
"What did you think of the two in the tubes?" Tikki asked her.
"what do you mean?" Marinette asked Tikki.
"I mean like relationship wise..." she replied.
"I've felt protective and I felt that they are hurting but mostly the girl" Marinette explained. Tikki's eyes widen and whisper slightly "Mother's intuition"
"I think the Universe is telling you that your children need help before they succumb in darkness or something bad is going to happen," Tikki told her what she thought about it.
"I don't know really, I don't control the fates" Tikki continues. Marinette was silent for a while until,

"Well, I guess we have to wait and see," Marinette told Tikki. Tikki agrees.

"get some rest," Tikki instructed. Marinette nodded and went to sleep.

...........................( 4 days later )...........................
No one's POV:

Marinette and Natasha kept having the same dream over and over again. They told their friends and families but they were kept saying that it was nothing.

Suddenly, Adrian Agreste was getting these dreams, and the fact was the same as Marinettes. They went to Master Fu and he told them that the universe is calling. Calling of the children of creation and destruction who are in need.

On the other side of the world, the same children felt the col. One child in New York City and the other in Metropolis, Illinois. The Depress teen girl was in a rickety van in New York City. She always felt alone. She always felt a calling towards finding her parents. She hacked into shield for more answers but was caught. She never gave up. The boy then felt the call went looking at his files and found out his mother. He started his search.

Both teenagers had the same dreams as Adrian and Marinette, connecting them to the universe and connecting them to their possible potential powers. There will always be a creation and destruction. One per generation but it's rare for another true ladybug and Chatnoir holders. Their lives are about to change for good or worse.

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