Chapter 1: New Beginnings

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Red Room: 2000
Location: Russia
4:00 pm

Through the empty hall lies nothing but empty memories of pain and sorrows, where girls fought for their lives. In the halls where nothing but stillness and quite but an echo through the halls grew loud and louder. A person screams filled the atmosphere. In a large bedroom that has four mattress lies a red haired women giving birth. In the room was three other girls, one blond and the other Brunette, where getting the area ready while one darker red hair women was helping the slightly red hair teen giving birth.
"come on nat! Your almost there!" screamed the women. Another blood curtling scream arose in the back of the young soon to be mother.
"I see the head! Get ready!" the women shouted to the other girls. The blond quickly grabbed the towel while the other grabbed the soon to be mothers hand. The young mother felt all the pain washed away until suddenly, a cry echoed the room.
"towl!" the women demanded. The blond gave the women the towl and wrapped the small child into a bundle. The two women where congratulating the new mother of her new babe
"you got a little girl, Natasha" said the women said as she transferred the sleeping child into Natasha's arms. Everyone in the room grinned for the new mother and daughter.
"what are you going to name her, nat?" asked the blond women.
"oooh, who is going to be her godmother?" The brunette interrogated.
"leave Natasha alone, Amelia" the red head said as she told her off
"But I was only curious Bronislava" Amelia huffed
"Marientte..." Natasha paused for a moment. Everyone immediately looked at Natasha "Marinette Romanoff" Natasha repeated. Bronislava smiled at her little sister, "what a beautiful name Nat, it's perfect". Everyone nodded while Natasha was smile towards her new born. It was a perfectly quite until the brunette squealed, Bronislava and Amelia glared at the brunette.
"sorry, but her eyes are slowly opening" said the brunette sheepishly. All three girls quickly but silently looked over Natasha shoulders and saw Marinette's sky blue orbs looking up, she then smiled at Natasha. The teen smile went into a frown
"She has his eyes" Natasha said to the girls. But she continued "it's perfect" as she gave the babe a kiss on the forehead.Natasha looked at the brunette.
"Lena do you want to hold her" she asked the brunette. Alyona looked shocked but nodded. She slowly retrieved marinette from Natasha and held her close.
"Aren't you a sweet thing" she told the baby. She turned to Natasha.
"She's going to be a heartbreaker when she's older, I mean she one Hell a good looking child I have ever seen" everyone smiled. cassie gave the child back to her mother...
Everything was perfect until a year later....

[476 words]

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