Chapter 4 : Into the Right Ways

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Previously on widows bug...





She didn't make it

I looked at her body, it was ice cold. No warmth, the last member of my family...all Gone! My own sister dead because of a traitor in the midst or so I thought... apparently long ago on the mission, I found out I have a bounty on my head from Hydra. I don't know why I stayed with them. Maybe in hope to get more information on what they did to my daughter but I'm down. Now I'm staring at my dead sister, another life taken from me....

I want revenge!

I grabbed the gun and looked up at the soldier in hatred. He brought up his gun again and shot at me but he kept on missing until I shot him in the head over and over. I then kicked his corpse until he was beyond recognition. I was pissed , my life was ruined my these mother fuckers and I'm DONE!

"wow, take it easy fire cracker. What did he do to you? A voice said. I looked over and saw a blond haired man with a bow in his hand pointing it at me. I didn't saying anything but he put his arrow away but kept his bow out.

"Are you black widow?" He asked. I didn't say anything but nodded. He looked at me then at the two corpses.

"Why did you killed them?" He asked. I quickly looked at him.

"That man killed the last member of my family and I am beyond mad" I told him. I don't know why I feel like I could trust him.

"What about the girl?" I felt the pain swarming back towards me but I didn't show it. I looked at my sister and I spoke softly,

"She's my sister, my best friend, and a mother figure to me" he didn't say anything to me for awhile but I could tell he's has his boss telling him to kill me. As much I want to die, I'm actually scared. I've never had so much emotion before until my daughter came into my life and was ripped from me. She too, is dead, According the hydra officials. I saw the body in a bag but I saw no flesh. My father, my mother, my brother , my daughter and now my sister. Gone, dead...

"Why don't I bring you to shield?" He finally said after awhile.

"So can have your boss kill me?" I said.

"No, so you can do something good. Something that can save people lives not harming them." He told me. I thought it over, I end up agreeing and that's how I joined shield and I don't regret it....

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