Chapter 6 : The Salvation to Paris

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Location: Paris, France

Time: 3:00 am

year: 2010

Marinette Pov:

           I walked for days, I can't stay in one spot. If Hydra or The Red Room find out that I was the one who blew up The Red Room, I would be dead and I can't reunite with my mother. I looked at a sign that was coming into view and realized that I'm here. My new home, France; the city of love. I walked for the longest time, I haven't eaten for days. So, I was really hungry and I have no money. I saw a huge structure coming into view, and building started to pop up like a bat being awaken at night. 

            I walked down the pavement street and saw cars driving up and down the road. I kept walking  making time. I don't know why I am rushing, I am starting to get paranoid now. 'Think Marinette, Think!!.'I thought Suddenly, it started to rain. I went through a small alleyway and I found a small bakery that had a small little tent over the side. I sat down, watching the rain pour down. I smelled the baked good filled the air, making my hunger growl in madness. I felt dirty and tired, and I am worry on where my mother is, Most likely in Russia; away from France. I saw a man, he had brown hair, and a brown french like machashe. He has greenish eyes and a happy personality. He was dumping, what seems like old bake goods. I knew, I hit the jackpot. I waited for him to leave and when he did, i quietly went to the trash. I grabbed enough food for the whole week just incase.

          As time by at the end of each the day, I wait for the man to dump food in the trash because they are so good. I usually say hidden, because I don't want to be caught by the french child services or have the man tell me to go away. A couple times, the man's what seems like his wife dumps food off by my shelter which I think, they know. His wife is from what looks like some asian origins, she has black hair and greyish, blueish orbs...On some days, I don't take the food but others when I found out they've been holding back the dump, I would. I guess that confirms to them that someone or me, has been taking the food as of late. I started to live on certain roof buildings and I certainly love the view of the Eiffel Tower.

         Everything was perfect until it was a normal day at the bakery. I would get the trash and stay up in my makeshift shelter. I would draw designs on old news papers and sometimes I fall asleep, but today was different. I was about to fall asleep until i felt a slight tap on my foot. I woke up in a instant and brought up my guard but to realized it was the man and his wife. He had some type of bake good in his gigantic hands and he was trying to hand it to me but I would not take it. It seem his petty wife understood, so she took the bake good from her husband's hands and put in on the ground. She scooted it close to me and she backed up with her husband. They both watched me, what seems like forever so i took the bake good and put it in my stash that i had. They still watched my movements, like I'm some animal.

         "what's your name child?" the man finally spoke looking genuinely concern. Of course, I didn't say anything. I also kept my emotions in check but i cocked my head a little bit.

  "who are your parents?" the man's wife said in curiousness. I looked at her and nothing for a bit.

"father unknown, mother forcefully taken from me" I replied to her. I had no emotions, or to show what I was feeling. The couple looked at each other at what seems like they are having mental conversation. I felt a little awkward just sitting there so I scooted back slightly and saw two pairs of eyes looking at me.

"Do you have any other relatives that might you know of?" the lady asked. I simply replied "They either died, or I simply know nothing of them". They both look shocked but regain their posture. I didn't fully trust them so I gave them vague answers, barely speaking towards them.

"How do you feel on coming inside the bakery for a bit?" I thought 'what the living fuckery does this gigantic ass man want me inside his home' but of course my idiotic self said 

"Yeah, sure... Let a random stranger inside your house where, I can easily kill a man with a single stare right down in your soul" I said  sarcastically but realized what I said. I thought 'well, fuck...' but I was emotionless. Both couples looked at each other and burst fully out laughing but what scared me the most of what the women told me once they both calmed down.

"I know what you mean, I use to live and trained at the League of Assassins but I simply got away and married my Husband Tom" the asian women said while pointing her small finger towards the big man now dubbed Tom. 

"I can tell an assassin when I see one, Jié màn" I looked very spooked but nodded my head. 

"If I go with you, ONE! NO funny business and Two! I may not trust you YET... but if will take time to earn my trust" I told them in seriousness I could muster, they finally after not much pleading which is to my dismay, I went with them and as gradually they did. I told them everything after a year they adopted me as their own. I was no longer Marinette Romanoff but now....

I am Marinette Romanoff Dupain-Cheng.....

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