Chapter 2: A Soldiers Death

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Hydra base: 2001
Location: unknown
2:00 am

Screams echoed through the doors of Hydra. A man sat in a chair with electrifying wires strapped into him. he was unconscious until he heard a 'Snap' echoed in the boxed-in Lab. The man looked at the source of the snap realizing it was the general as he put down files on the table aggressively. The man had Ebony black hair and sky blue eyes. He also possesses a scar over his eye that looks quite badass.
"Well, well, well, look what we have here. Our little mole" the general sneered. The young man said nothing but stared at the general. The General has a black hair and green eyes. He is white with a Adolf Hitlers mustache. He is also very muscular figure. The general Simply sat down In a nearby chair. He leaned back and looked at the lad in hatred.
"Why? It is sergeant James Maximoff, brother of Isaac Maximoff" the general smirked but the man glared at the general in disdain.
"Now TELL US! WHO DO YOU WORK FOR? HYDRA? OR ANOTHER?" the general screamed at the soldier but the man simply told the general " I work with no one." the soldier spat.
The general showed no emotions to the soldier. He got up from the chair and look at the soldier in defeat but sneered
"what would I do if I kill your daughter?" the general said to the soldier in an evil manner.
James maximoff looked confused at the general.
" I don't have children," James told the General in confusion. The General had a smudged look on his face. He picked up the folder and started to read the file.
"it seemed that miss Romanoff never told you..." the general stated.
"told me what exactly?" James said in a agitated voice.
"you have a daughter... She one year old and her name is Marinette" the general looked up from the file with a smirk.
"What?" James was speechless, his mouth open and gasp. The general continue "congratulations your a father" then the general laughed manically. The general looked back at the files once he calmed down.
"Also, I want to say, I'm sorry for your lost.. your brother death was a tragic one" the general looked madly with a demon grin.
"Borya Novikov! я убью тебя .. я не .." James started but got interrupted by General Borya Novikov.
"or what? Hum... You can't do shit" Borya grabbed his pistol and pointed at James. But suddenly an explosion occurred next to General Borya Novikov making him passed out by the impact of the wall. James also got hit in the back of his head with ringing in his ears. Before he passed out he saw a girl in a polkadots costume with black hair and bluebell eyes, looking at him in concerned.

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