Chapter 17: The Rosy Family Reunion & Business

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Previously on Widow's Bug:

"Hey, люблю(Love), Kei te kaainga ahau, I te hokinga mai o Connor i te kura, i te whakaaro ahau ki te mahi koha mo te tina, me pehea te tangi? ( I'm home, When Connor comes home from school, I was thinking of making dumplings for lunch, how does that sound?) the women's voice said. Dad laughed

"he pa te bugaboo I mua I to haerenga mai ki te ruuma nohonoho, he manuhiri ta maatau (that sounds wonderful bugaboo before you do that come in the living room, we have guests)" he replied. A female version of Connor came into the living room and saw the group. She scans each one of us until her eyes landed on Natasha. She went in shock.

"Мама?" She said in shock.


Marinette POV:

I saw my mother after 15 years, standing there looking at me. I broke the stare and looked around the room. Adrien came up to me.

"Welcome home bug," He told me as he kissed me. I returned it and smiled at him. I saw Connor giving us the gross look, our eyes connect and he looked away. I had my Romanoff smirk on.

"What? Connor, You have seen your father and I kiss before kiddo," I teased him. He just simply blushed and kept his head down.

"Now what are you doing here? You're supposed to be at school right now," I asked him

"I bumped into Daisy along the way," He said as he gestures to her. The girl has black hair, brown eyes which I knew she hasn't gotten her full potential powers yet. I smile at her knowing that she might be Connor's other half.

"She and I... We got shocked which ran through us," He continued. My smile grew, I looked at Adrien then back at Connor.

"I see you found your other half" I stated. The girl looked confused at me and looked at the brown-haired girl next to her. I looked at the brown-haired girl and knew that the holder of transmission is right in front of me. I looked back at Connor and Adrien.

"Why didn't you tell me!" I scolded Adrien. He rubbed his neck.

"What do you mean Bugaboo?" He replied. I glared at him and he shifted in his place.

"You know exactly," I said to him while gesturing to the brown hair girl. She looks confused. I walked up to her.

"Hello, I'm Marinette, Holder of Transmission," I greeted her with a little bow. She looks at me then at Connor's other half is confused.

"What do you mean, Holder of Transmission?" I looked at the voice. He has dirty blond hair, I simply smile at him.

"Name?" I ask. He looks at the group and back at me.

"I'm Leopold Fitz, but call me Fitz," He said as he extended his arm. I looked at it and back at him. I just bowed slightly. he put his hand down once he knew I wasn't going to give it a shake. 

"Well, Fitz, it's because that's her title in the order of Guardians," I told him.

"I thought that the Order of Guardians was just a Legend?" He asks. I looked at my son and husband. I burst out laughing. Connor smiles while Adrien chuckled.

"No, It's real alright, but only the Guardians know where to find the headquarters of it. They are still around too." I smiled at him. He nodded.

"It has been 15 years since I last saw you Deka," I looked at my mama. I nodded at her and ran up to her to give her the biggest hug I can give.

"I miss you, mama," I told her, she hugged me tighter. we let go and she began to introduce me to the team, one by one going down the line. After the introduction is done, everyone sat down and was talking with one another. I sat down next to Daisy. I slightly startled her, she looked at me, and I smile at her.

"Tell me about yourself," I told her. I can tell that she was nervous but I kept a steady smile to her. She took a deep breath.

"Um... I'm Daisy, Daisy Johnson but I recently found out that I'm not really a Johnson," She started but I could tell that she has my ramblings.

"Um...I'm a... Inhuman and I have powers over Vibration. My best friend is Simm- Urr... I mean Jemma, I think I'm 25 years but I'm not sure....," I interrupted her. "5,"

"What?" She asks in a startled manner. I smirked. Everyone stopped talking and looked at Daisy and me.

"Your Technically 5 years old, well existence wise. Physically and mentally, you are only 19," I told her. Everyone in the room gaped. I looked over at Connor and he looked confused. I got up and left the room to go get the file from my office. I came back and I heard everyone was yelling at each other. I walked back in and saw practically chaos. My mom and her team were yelling at my husband for getting me pregnant at the age of '15' or something which is not the case by the way. He took it like a champ without showing any emotions and he had his cross against his chest. He looked like a pouting kitten. I had enough.....

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I yelled. Everyone saw me and was about to yell at me for began irresponsible but I gave them my Romanoff glare which shut them up.

"I went to go get a file which showed how DAISY WAS BORN YOU PIECE OF SHITS!" I began to yell. I looked over at Daisy and saw that she looked overwhelmed. I quickly went over to her and hugged her to calm her nerves, she relaxed in my embrace and I gave everyone my biggest glare that my husband and son paled.

"Are you ok?" I asked her in my soothing voice. She slowly nodded.
"Do you want to know how you came to be?" she had a disgusted looked but I chuckled.
"Not like that," She looked up at me and nodded. I let go of the hug and picked up the file on the coffee table. I gave it to her.

"I literally told you guys that Connor and Daisy were born through the science facility. And you lot had the audacity to tell me that I got Marinette pregnant at the age of 15. She wasn't 15, she was 17.... jeez," Adrien huffed and slumped into the chair. That took me a moment to register in my brain what he was talking about.

"Chatton, No," I told him. Everyone looked at each other and was shocked. I sigh.

"I had a miscarriage about a month later," I told them as I closed my eyes in pain. Adrien looked at me and knew he fucked up. He walked over to me and hugged me in comfort.

"I'm sorry," He whispers and he rubbed my back. Mama walked over to me and hugged me also. Somehow everyone piled on me. 

"Guys, I'm ok. Adrien and I never really told people about this," I said. Everyone untangle themselves and we all sat down on the ground. I looked at the clock and saw that it was getting late.

"It's getting late," Everyone nodded and I showed each one their rooms for the night. I went to Chatton and I shared chambers. I put on my PJ and climbed into bed. I closed my eyes but I felt a strong pair of arms around me and I was out.

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